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Views on the war on terror

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"War is continuation of politics by other means, conducted in a manner dictated by generaly accepted law and custom"

This words are written by von Clausewitz in his book "Vom Kriege". Some, better said the most people believe that this famous word are the definition of war. And so our politicians make war as a continuation of their politics, in the kind they make politics. And this is one reason for the desasters of the "democratic warfare".

Von Clausewitz definition of war is different. He wrote:

"War is an act of violance with whom we try to force the enemy our will." (I hope this translation is correct. The german original text is: Krieg ist ein Akt der Gewalt mittels dessen wir dem Feind unseren Willen aufzwingen wollen.)

I would hope our politicians would anderstand the big difference.

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haha FalconCAF I thought of doing exactly that when they started with all their afghan strategy meetings.


haha I always knew if we meet in RL we'll clicked in a instant. Shame that you didn't though.




At St-Helen, Napoleon wrote about Sun Tzu: "Had I read this book before, I would have never been vanquished!". Quite a reference.


"Those who don't know history shall repeat it" <-- My motto



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Actually I was not aware of it referring to a certain group of americans. I always thought it was synonymous with 'average joe'.


Since last election, first name (and almost anything descriptive) has become a mocking way to refer to people.

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Like "Fat Albert", "Ugly Bob", and "Yo Momma."

Edited by JediMaster
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