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New F15 Cockpit Problem

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Just a little background, I was testing this with the SF2 Dec patch with DX10, shaders on etc, so the triangles never showed up. Part of using the Dec patch was older files had to be updated to make use of the shaders etc etc etc. Well I didn't feel like doing that so I forced the sim to run DX9 and turned the shaders off. Reinstalled the HDR bloom mod and everything worked. I was testing the F-15R (I think) it was when I noticed the triangles. I sent FC a screen shot and he tested his F-15's and didnt find it. So we chalked it up to some glitch on my computer. Little did we know it was the whole DX10 thing causing it. So please I hope no one thinks we decided to release this in haste. Frankly I am disappointed because I have been wanting a pit for the Mudhen for a long time and those triangles just irrtate the piss out of me. So I hope FC find a cure for it. He is really doing his best in a task that is likened to trying to tape a paper you just shredded back together.



i'm running on full dx10 and i have none of those white triangle. works fine.


time for every one to move to dx10/dx11 ?

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That's because as I stated in the my post above that running in DX10 mode you won't get them.

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Greetings All,


Not to give FC more work, but while sitting in the cockpit if you look over your left and right shoulders I see a white thick line running in an arc (I thought it was possibly frame at first but I think it's a DX10 issue also). This isn't as in your face as the triangles though. Eagle Pack is one fine addition nonetheless. I'll try and get a screenshot if interested.



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I tried to find what you are seeing Spiff in every format imagineable format. DX9, DX10, shaders on and off etc etc and I couldn't recreate that. Everyones mileage may vary on this. If any hasnt noticed the models are getting better so weaker machines are going to struggle. I am not sure if that is the case Spiff but I would ventures its a good guess.

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FastCargo is going through the pits .LOD file with a hexeditor line by line. There are hundreds of entries in there and its going to take him days if not weeks to figure out each one to get the right file to correct.


No problems here, i'm just grateful that the problem will be solved.

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No problems here, i'm just grateful that the problem will be solved.


There is no guarantees he can fix it either.

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Dave is right, I'm HOPING I can fix them without too much degredation in what the cockpit can do. The fact that got rid of one of the triangles means there is hope.


I haven't had a chance to address it in the last couple of days due to other issues. Mainly, I'm having to do a brute force approach to find the right mesh.



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Greetings All,


Not to give FC more work, but while sitting in the cockpit if you look over your left and right shoulders I see a white thick line running in an arc (I thought it was possibly frame at first but I think it's a DX10 issue also). This isn't as in your face as the triangles though. Eagle Pack is one fine addition nonetheless. I'll try and get a screenshot if interested.






Yep, I saw that too...it looks almost like the end of a tube when zoomed out enough. I figured that is real low priority since it's only visible when looking way back over your shoulder.


A last note to folks. Remember, this is a beta cockpit, so there are other issues as well. We will do what we can, but until Mago can finish it, we may have to live with what we have.

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Let's see how it goes


I've mapped the offending triangles, so the issue should be fixed. I can't test it though, so don't know for sure


You would have had a very hard time fixing it FC :stars:, that triangle was actually 4 different meshes


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Alrightly boys! You heard the man...download and try it out!


Oh, THAT would explain why the triangle was always showing up no matter which radar display I kept moving...



Edited by FastCargo

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Well f*** me, it worked! Thank you sir!
































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Another test...


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Super F-15 Pack updated with cockpit changes to delete triangles (thanks Mago!) and ini changes to delete small white square in right MFD.



Edited by FastCargo

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Hello boys! :salute:


Tested in my system (Windows XP/DX9) and... it's Ok! :good:


Thank you for your famous F-15C/E Mod!


... Pierre :bye:

Edited by Coupi

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Let's see how it goes


I've mapped the offending triangles, so the issue should be fixed. I can't test it though, so don't know for sure


You would have had a very hard time fixing it FC :stars:, that triangle was actually 4 different meshes


Hi Paladrian!


Is-it the same issue for your MiG-21 Cockpits? I love your cockpit... :clapping:


Pierre :grin:

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