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Bribing the Taliban

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And prior to that, what do you call their little foray into southern Europe....a peaceful vacation? They were peaceful, alright, only after they were driven out by the Spaniards and Sicilians, and after that little episode known as (I know I'm going to regret mentioning this word, with Dave around :cool: ) the inquisition. :yikes:


DId someone say Inquisition?


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And prior to that, what do you call their little foray into southern Europe....a peaceful vacation? They were peaceful, alright, only after they were driven out by the Spaniards and Sicilians, and after that little episode known as (I know I'm going to regret mentioning this word, with Dave around :cool: ) the inquisition. :yikes:


Those were the moops (Seinfeld :tongue: ) whole different story. Ok, peaceful wouldn't be the word to use, but the point is it wasn't totally f&*ked up until WW1.

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Those were the moops (Seinfeld :tongue: ) whole different story. Ok, peaceful wouldn't be the word to use, but the point is it wasn't totally f&*ked up until WW1.


Not completely....and now who needs to study their history? :yikes: The Aghlabids invaded Sicily, and technically, they were not Moors.


Besides, did the Moors invade the Balkans? Did the Moors move north into the Caucasus? Into Greece? Into Crete? Into Poland? No, your peaceful Ottomans did :bye:



Edited by Fubar512

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Inquisition&bribery, i´m enjoying the topic

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Ok, peaceful wouldn't be the word to use, but the point is it wasn't totally f&*ked up until WW1.


Didn't I already admit peaceful was a goof?


As I said, the region wasn't totally f***ed up until after WW1, before that they remained a funcioning empire that kept order in the region, which was what I was aiming at.

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Didn't I already admit peaceful was a goof?


As I said, the region wasn't totally f***ed up until after WW1, before that they remained a funcioning empire that kept order in the region, which was what I was aiming at.


By your reasoning, one could argue that Stalin and Hitler likewise kept order during their reigns. :yikes:

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Yes, order tends to be a skill of totalitarian regimes. But before the enlightenment period, everyone was basically a brutal monarchy.

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And prior to that, what do you call their little foray into southern Europe....a peaceful vacation? They were peaceful, alright, only after they were driven out by the Spaniards and Sicilians, and after that little episode known as (I know I'm going to regret mentioning this word, with Dave around :cool: ) the inquisition. :yikes:


Actually the inquisition (at least in Spain) came after we kicked their asses back to Morocco.

And it wasn't only southern Europe. I mean, Austria and Hungary are more like central Europe.

And about the peaceful religion, how many countries turned to Islam without a previous invasion by muslim neighbours?

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Only on the CA forum can a topic go from bribing taliban to the spanish inquisitionlol.gif This place is great



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Actually the inquisition (at least in Spain) came after we kicked their asses back to Morocco.

And it wasn't only southern Europe. I mean, Austria and Hungary are more like central Europe.

And about the peaceful religion, how many countries turned to Islam without a previous invasion by muslim neighbours?


Like communism. Indeed, when originally came to Spain in the 8th century, the people saw it almost as a liberation. Then it turns a profitable business for evil people, so then the remainder of Europe came, pulled everyone out, and settled. As the original inhabitants were suspected to be collaborating with the muslims North of Africa, they where chased expelled. So re-appears the Inquisition in the 16th century



Only on the CA forum can a topic go from bribing taliban to the spanish inquisitionlol.gif This place is great



The other way to deal with the trouble.



EDIT: We´ve just been reported another KIA by IED in Afghanistan, now i feel more like Inquisition than bribery


Edited by macelena

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Bribing is what the romans tried to do with nearby germanic tribes. We all now how it ended.

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