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So there I was in my Kfir in the 1982 Lebanon War doing an air defense suppression mission. Well we were late to the airfield because we got jumped by some Mig-23's. So we fought our way in, I got 2 and my wingman got the other 2. (AIM-9L's work well) We hit our targets anyway with the CBU's we were carrying. I mean why let good ordinance go to waste. I sent my wingman in first, he expended his bombs and I sent him home because he declared bingo. So I rolled in hot. Hit one ZSU-23 and then hit another while dodging some fire from some BTR's. I got one of those with the last CBU's and rolled off the airfield and headed for home. As I kicked in the burner to roll over and head home I looked out the right side of my canopy. I couldn’t believe it, a whole family of Mig-23's were lined up for landing. 6 in all. I couldn't resist, I pulled back on the stick, turned high and to the right and put myself on the tail end Charlie. I lined up my with my 30mm's and squeezed the trigger. Tail end Charlie exploded in front of me, keeping the momentum, I fired again and got 2 more. Then the AI did something I have never seen it do. They broke. 2 of them peeled off and one was touching down. Never seen that before, most times I see them land and no one even budges. I need to have fraps running next time as I am not sure if that could happen again. Anyway, after I saw them break I realized I was out of ammo and low on gas. So I kicked in the burner to get as much space from them as possible. They seemed to mill around for a bit so I used that to my advantage and escaped. Landed back at base with fumes and ace in a day. Doubt that will happen ever again like that.

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No never seen that before - but then again not been lucky enough to catch that many landing :lol:

Edited by MigBuster

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I have a policy to be "Ace in a Day". If you want something done for good, do it nuclear



Edited by macelena

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I have a policy to be "Ace in a Day". If you want something done for good, do it nuclear


You know what really scares me in game?


Sharing the airspace with (or even worse, going after the same enemy plane group as) AI aircraft armed with AIR-2As... :grin:

Edited by Gocad

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I like that policy.





Oh I make sure I am the only one with nukes. :lol:

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I recognize that i don´t set nukes in default loadouts inis, however, i don´t bother giving my wingmen genies. Usually, i loose the AIM-4s out of the blast range, and if i hear them call "Fox Three" i break.


If i get closer, that´s because i got the gunpod instead of nukes, going conventional (chasing Bedcheck Charlies in Vietnam or in the Second Korean War)

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I am also surpised with the ai of these sims. On one occasion i was in a rolling fight with a mig 19, we kept rolling around eachother both hoping to gain the upper hand. I got lucky and managed to get on his tail for two seconds, that was all i needed. The mig 17s outturn me every time and they are damn good at it too, whenever i close in for a kill they break and turn hard and i really struggle to keep up, on average it takes me 5 - 10 minutes to get a shot in and i always miss with missiles. I have also flown a total of three mig 21s into the ground, looks as if they freak out after a few minutes of having me behind them and completely loose their situational awareness.


The worst thing is when i fly mp missions against my son and he orders his wingman to hunt me, all of a sudden i got two bogeys locked on my tail. It becomes a desperate fight for survival, really gets the pump going:)

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Outwitted by a kid - the shame :grin:


Well, playing the last Pro Evolution Soccer i bought for my eleven year old cousin, he scored 4-1 on me... it happens eventually

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I quite regularly get my ass handed to me by my 11 year old brother on COD. Its quite embarrasing to say the least lol.gif

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