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New Mouse Designed For Women

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New Mouse for Women



After years of research, scientists have discovered that women do not

like the standard mouse given away with PC's. Scientists found that there

is not a physical reason for their aversion; It is more of a Psychological



Some women reported that their mouse 'just didn't feel right' in their

hands. Based on the research,a new mouse has been designed especially for



Various field tests have been carried out on the new design:



from Dublin said:-


'It feels so much better. More comfortable, more like how it's supposed to




from Manchester added:-


'I think mice were originally designed just for men, but this new type is

definitely made for women.. It fits right in with my lifestyle'



from Belfast :said -


'I took to it like a duck to water, every woman should have one'!



From Southampton Said -



"It feels so natural"







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ooooh your going straight to hell on that one there... to paraphrase Robin Williams...

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Guest Sieben

Ha ha, very funny. Just out of curiosity, when's the last time you got laid?

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Some women could be looking at that. That's not that I distrust their sense of humor, but... You should stay in touch with your lawyers. Just in case.

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Now see, I had in mind something else. Something more...pole-shaped. :biggrin:

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Now see, I had in mind something else. Something more...pole-shaped. :biggrin:


a lightsaber shaft?


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