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SF2V Moon and it's reflection on water

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Before I consider my latter notice a "glitch", let me ask a question first (btw: I'm running "SF2V Dec 2009" with the "Expansion Pack Gold Feb 2010 Refresh"):


- how is it on your installations, do you always have a moon shining at night or does it come up after a while only (if at all) and/or going down during your night missions?


'Cause yesterday I started a mission (it was some 2300hrs I think) and until it's end (some 30 or 40 minutes later) the moon didn't come up... (I was having a strong/good shadow on the aircraft and inside the cockpit though. blink.gif So are the shadows irrespective of a source of light?)


This jumped my eye, because when seeing the moon on night missions before, I found it just sooo good looking. good.gif



And then I saw some strange reflection (of the moon!? at least from it's direction/the direction shadows on the plane were cast from) on the sea below - see screenie.

You can see some light's reflection shaped as an inverted "V" over the water (like it should be with the moon up) plus, at its focal point, another V-shaped one (so "upside down")... dntknw.gif

More strange is, that the focal point obviously is below the horizon = in the water! This looks weird.


Anybody has an explanation for that?

Is that a glitch or does it "have to be" like that?

Is it of the "standard" game or XP2-related?


Thanks for your comments.





PS: I made it home with my wounded bird, but as a safe landing was out of reach my BN and me had to eject in the vicinity of the carrier and were picked up by an angel..... bye.gif


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the game actually calculates moonrise, sunrise, moonset and sunset, as well as plaentary and constellation positions based on the lat/long of the terrain (look up at the night sky sometime, and look at the star patterns)


Moon phases are also calculated, based on the date of mission flown. Weither their 100% accurate or not..???


TK also said somewhere recently, he'd made the night "lighter" cause folks were gripping it was too dark.


these can all be adjusted in the environmentalsystem.ini, for global functions, or in each terrain for specific regions



kevin stein

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Who cares about your moon problem. What the hell did you do to that poor A-6? :lol:

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Flew it in harm's way, would be my guess.


There just happened to be a lot of harm out that night...



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Moon phases are also calculated, based on the date of mission flown. Weither their 100% accurate or not..???


Its correct as of Patch 2005/6 or something back then.


czech it out , scroll down ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2257


However, TK never modelled the apparent rotation of the moon. In the pic, the SF Moon is "horizontal" -- so to speak. The true west/east limbs of the moon should be oriented more toward the vertical in that shot. But that's a rather small detail compared to correct moon phase and position for any date. TK Rules!


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World is not flat? :lol:

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TK Rules!



Really? Have you looked at Orion (specifically, Orion's belt) in the SF skies lately? :yikes:

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Fubar:: Orion...



Yeah its NASA data. I always "meant" to ask if he'd send the data for me to fix, or find where the error is in the file and a correct value so he can fix it. I never got round to asking him.


Not a big deal really.


But it had to be THAT star lol.

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Fubar:: Orion...


But it had to be THAT star lol.




Edited by Fubar512

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the game actually calculates moonrise, sunrise, moonset and sunset, as well as plaentary and constellation positions based on the lat/long of the terrain (look up at the night sky sometime, and look at the star patterns)


Moon phases are also calculated, based on the date of mission flown. Weither their 100% accurate or not..???


TK also said somewhere recently, he'd made the night "lighter" cause folks were gripping it was too dark.


these can all be adjusted in the environmentalsystem.ini, for global functions, or in each terrain for specific regions



kevin stein


You serious about that stellar calculations? That's awesome....


Yeah, and I think the night-sky is a bit too light - not that much to worry about, but you mean, one can adjust this in the environmentalsystem.ini oneself?

@ Fubar: is that a shot of your SF2's sky? Now THAT's a good black - mine is a lot more blueish. Can you forward me your environmental.ini-values, please?



Still, where's the moon in my pic and what causes the reflections on the water?


...In the pic, the SF Moon is "horizontal" -- so to speak. The true west/east limbs of the moon should be oriented more toward the vertical in that shot...

What do you mean by "horizontal"? Horizontal ("level") in relation to my plane? No sir, I'm flying above the clouds, in my shot the horizon is seen above the clouds - no moon same level with me, none above me, no clouds obscuring one... So, where IS IT??? And what causes the reflections on the water? And why double reflections? (The lower "inverted V" should be there - if there was a moon blink.gif - but what's the upper "V"???)


Re: my bird - yeah, enemy was not delighted of me trying to suppress their defense!yikes.gif

It was big effort to get it out of left turns and keep it level - so there was no way of taking it back down onto the carrier's deck.......



Thanks for all your response, but I'm not yet "there"..... Please keep them coming...

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