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File path problem..

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I ve made a collection of all stock textures and lods that are available in Gen1 but missing from Gen2. Totally about 1400 files at 437MB. Hopefully this collection would completely fix all missing texture or model problems when migrating 3rd party units from Gen1 to Gen2.


Lately I realised putting that collection in the Objects folder does not help at all. It seems to me unless proper textures or lods are placed right into the corresponding Aircraft or GroundUnit's folder, they just won;t show in game.


Now, is there a way that i can assign a file path to the game, so whenever there is something missing from the folder and CAT files, it will look for it in a designated folder? Can someone also give me an update about the Cat Archiving utility? Will it be able to create Gen2 CAT soon?

Edited by orsin

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You know you can't upload stock, 3rd Wire LODs, right?? In particular, for aircraft/ground vehicles/ships, etc. Textures should be ok (as I've done it), but LODs are considered "core files" and violates copyright AND site policy.

Especially if it's something that's not avialable in either 1st or 2nd Gen sims. (as most NextGens probably wouldn't work anyway, being unicode LODs, and 1st Gens can't read them)



to answer the question about 'paths'...


the game has always looked into FOLDERS first, then into any pertinant cat files. Since Day 1. Hasn't that been covered someplace in the KB??? (if not, I'll write up a little blurb for it). I know it's a question asked and answered every few months or so for the New Kids


So to fully answer the question: any and all needed/required/etc files MUST be placed in their respective folders, wiether /cockpit or /aircraft or /GroundObject/-nameofvehicle-



kevin stein

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The purpose of making this huge collection is simple. Men are lazy and we don;t want to dig every lod to find out what is missing. We want to throw everything in a place and just forget about the missing resource issue. If there isn't a way to put all the 1400 files in ONE folder and get it used by all the converted jets, then it is meaningness. I'm not that rookie about where the game looks for resources but thank you for your advise anyways.


We have no attempt to upload it, regardless of the lods, taking over 1000 images from the game is better called a steal. However I may ask TK see if he can put this collection in an official CAT and bring some ease for modding. I have verified the files against the entile SF2 series (16GB of files in all the Object CATs) so far and there is absolutely no conflict.



Edit: I review the lod files and find mostly they are lower-level lods (ie lod002, lod 003 etc..) while the main lod has a name conflict and gets deleted. I doubt they will even match the new lod in SF2, so now all lods are removed. Totally 1300 files, all BMPs and TGAs, compressed at 35MB...

Edited by orsin

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? :blink:

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I guess he wants to make it possible for planes to use files outside the individual plane's mod folder, in a centralized directory.

For me that is practical as not to duplicate some files that are actually shared (cockpit extures for example).

The mod folder size will also be decreased.

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can't be done without TK rewriting the ENTIRE source code. Or adding all the 'missing' bits into the various objectdata cats. Neither is likely to happen, what with his constant budget constraints.


use files outside the individual plane's mod folder, in a centralized directory.


yes, as we all know, they're called the objectdata.cats; and that's exactly what they do. Unfortunately, for cockpits for example, they MUST reside in the /cockpit folder of the aircraft in question, as called out in the ***_Cockpit.ini, and more importantly, within the cockpit LOD itself. Hence, back to the original problem, and the only viable solution -extract and copy to said aircraft's /cockpit folder


no other way around it. But, it WOULD be nice if the fix came from the factroy, no?? But don't hold your breath



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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just to make sure(dunno why the army don't beleive my memories shot) LOD's in game are off limits but bitmaps and tgas are ok? the core of my phantom project for Gen 2 is the Euro 1 scheme from Gen 1. i know i asked awhile ago but this topic got me wonderin again

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just to make sure(dunno why the army don't beleive my memories shot) LOD's in game are off limits but bitmaps and tgas are ok? the core of my phantom project for Gen 2 is the Euro 1 scheme from Gen 1. i know i asked awhile ago but this topic got me wonderin again


Modified bitmaps and tgas are fine. You cannot simply upload TW's original work, without modding or tweaking it, first. It then becomes a mod....get it? :good:

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no other way around it. But, it WOULD be nice if the fix came from the factroy, no?? But don't hold your breath


hmm, it seems we got some hope. TK asks me to upload a list of the image files. Let's wait and see.

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my fingers are crossed!!! It would be a nice gesture... here's hoping!



kevin stein

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