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Questions to be entertained by the Developers

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This is the updated post on the official Overflandersfields.com webpage.

"19 FEBRUARY 2010

PHASE 4 NEWS. The next major release of OFF is well underway in development. New aircraft and other new features and improvements of course are expected.

Currently the full details of new features are under wraps but we believe it will be well worth the wait! It's a fair way off yet so no "when will it be out?" questions will be entertained at the moment ;)"

So if we are allowed to ask questions about P4 and its going to be entertained by the developers I'm going to go first!


1. under improvements are OBD improving the Force Feedback of OFF? It would be great if you are under attack and ur plane gets hit that there's also some response from the joystick.


2. We have all been teased with the new skins for the old aircraft but are you also improving the cockpit skins or views to make that more realistic and moving gun parts?


3. 5.1 Sound to have a better experience


4. Better Career management? (Pilot and planes)


I'm sure the rest of the OFF gang has much more to ask.


Thanking you





<BR class=style272>

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Very good questions. Some of the cockpits could indeed do with an upgrade. I really like those that have the visible arms and legs of the pilot in VC view. Much more immersive than empty cockpits. Another question: any other nations/areas under consideration for P4?

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    I think I´m not really able to think anything but just one question about P4:   When??   :dntknw:
















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Nice post Uncleal and thanks for the reminder of Winder's comment. Stiff upper lip it is for me.

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We aren't releasing the details until we are much further along. If there were releasable details they'd be in that news section on the web already :D.

Nice try though :)

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Hi Guys,


Yes we are looking at improving every aspect of OFF for P4 - we hope to show you how much of an improvement, over time, with screenies on our website.

But I will not go into details here as we are still defining and working on P4 so its early days.


I can say this on time and when:


We have just started this Phase in earnest now so I would not expect anyone to be waiting on a release date - we are still in deep development.






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Hi Guys,


Yes we are looking at improving every aspect of OFF for P4 - we hope to show you how much of an improvement, over time, with screenies on our website.

But I will not go into details here as we are still defining and working on P4 so its early days.


I can say this on time and when:


We have just started this Phase in earnest now so I would not expect anyone to be waiting on a release date - we are still in deep development.







Are you planning to release an expansion pack or two (or three or four :grin:) for P3 in the meantime? I'd be extremely happy even if such expansion packs didn't contain any improvements to P3 but just added new planes to the sim. Would be a nice way to make some extra money for P4 development and you could use the new planes in P4, so nothing would be lost in the development process.

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dear developers,


sorry for my stupidity, but i read the following on the post of the 19th February 2010

- questions will be entertained at the moment ;)


that means you (all pilots) are cordially invited to ask questions and make inputs about P4.


Never get me wrong. OFF belongs to OBD. My next dog will be called OBD even if its white.


Roger roger




Ps. uncleal. I also think the the current engine is the best for OFF.








Edited by Morris

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dear developers,


sorry for my stupidity, but i read the following on the post of the 19th February 2010

- questions will be entertained at the moment ;)


that means you (all pilots) are cordially invited to ask questions and make inputs about P4.


Never get me wrong. OFF belongs to OBD. My next dog will be called OBD even if its white.


Roger roger




Ps. uncleal. I also think the the current engine is the best for OFF.









lol no the statement is:


it's a fair way off yet so no "when will it be out?" questions will be entertained at the moment ;)

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The very fact that there will be a P4, is reason enough to celebrate.

I know little of game development, and I didn't think CFS3 could even get as good as BHaH has become.

But Winder and the team rate the engine, and indeed prove that it has a lot more to offer, each time a new release becomes available.

(just shows what a lazy bunch of ******* Microsoft are, to release the crap they did!)

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LOL Morris, with editing like that you don't work for one of the tabloids do you? ;) There's a "no" before that bit.

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OK sorry gents,


I apologies sincerely,



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We aren't releasing the details until we are much further along. If there were releasable details they'd be in that news section on the web already :D.

Nice try though :)

Enjoy the work on P4! In the meantime, we might tease you again with questions some time ... grin.gif

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