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A sad day.... Aviation is no longer fun...

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Yes, a law was broken. Oh noes!!111! ::: gasp ::: Whatever shall we do?


The problem is NOT that someone broke a law or even was "unprofessional" at their job. The problem is that people are acting like this was some huge breech of security and safety - it wasn't.


Lexx had a run at me and one other for saying that. My point was that our society has gotten so overly pussified and bureaucratic that it won't be long before you have to wear a seatbelt to take a s**t. It's not about whether it's your own saftey or that of others, and it's not even about if it's a life threat or merely pain, or even just sadness, everyone today is told that they need to be protected from it ALL.


More evidence? A Sailor, fired for cursing! blink.gif That's what sailors DO! - http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/cursing-female-navy-captain-holly-graf-booted-from-ship/19383341?icid=main|netscape|dl1|link5|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aolnews.com%2Fnation%2Farticle%2Fcursing-female-navy-captain-holly-graf-booted-from-ship%2F19383341


But that's insensitive these days. Can't be real, can't be normal, can't risk saying something that might hurt some tossers poor little sensibilities.... The way we have gotten is just plain disgusting.



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More evidence? A Sailor, fired for cursing! blink.gif That's what sailors DO! - http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/cursing-female-navy-captain-holly-graf-booted-from-ship/19383341?icid=main|netscape|dl1|link5|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aolnews.com%2Fnation%2Farticle%2Fcursing-female-navy-captain-holly-graf-booted-from-ship%2F19383341


But that's insensitive these days. Can't be real, can't be normal, can't risk saying something that might hurt some tossers poor little sensibilities.... The way we have gotten is just plain disgusting.


How about you read the whole story instead just of the headline, hm?

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How about you read the whole story instead just of the headline, hm?


I have. She was insulting and made people walk her dog and entertain. yikes.gif



My god! It's the end of the world! Don't just fire her, break out the stake and kindling!




The point stands - the liberal run school system has systematically weakend the entire population over the last several decades, and now some sailors got sand in their snizz and are crying about their hurt feelings. It's pathetic.


And no, I am NOT slamming Navy personell - just those who cried over the alledged treatment.

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She was fired because she is a piss-poor leader. Period.


I've known plenty of commanders where every other word they said had something to do with some sort of bodily function. But, they were good LEADERS, respected and liked by their subordinates.


And I've known commanders who never said a foul word...and were lucky they weren't lynched.


So spare me your 'brown shoe' story days...it doesn't apply in this case.



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Yeah, the media is hyping the abusive language angle, but that's not why she was canned. Around 90% of those who served with her have given examples of someone ill-suited to command that was instead promoted beyond their ability, possibly due to connections but more likely for the political aspects of "another female USN commander."


Making a master chief stand "time out" on the bridge of a USN vessel along with other belittlings of senior officers in front of junior officers is just lame leadership.

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The Grinch who stole the thread.



Thanks Grinch!

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Yeah, the media is hyping the abusive language angle, but that's not why she was canned. Around 90% of those who served with her have given examples of someone ill-suited to command that was instead promoted beyond their ability, possibly due to connections but more likely for the political aspects of "another female USN commander."


Making a master chief stand "time out" on the bridge of a USN vessel along with other belittlings of senior officers in front of junior officers is just lame leadership.



The sad thing is because the media have highlighted the abusive language,THATS what the majority of people have in their heads......media influence,full circle.

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Thing is, from his employers perspective, if this ATC can be so liberal about his protocols to let his son on the air, you have to ask yourself what other regulations he's formed his own opinion on too. In such a sensitive job, no employer could ignore such an obvious lapse in judgement. It's the lapse that's important - not what he actually did. It was a bad call - period. If he wanted to let his son read out some protocols, he might have been wiser to get it OK'd with his superiors -and the pilots. I can't imagine they'd object, but if he supected they would, going ahead without their consent was bound to be make matters a whole lot worse.


It reminds me of another 'killjoy' incident I saw some years ago. I was walking through the Meadows in Edinburgh, near the hospital. There were loads of people about, and a father with his young daughter were sitting on the grass, with the wee girl picking some daffodils - (there were thousands of them). I'd guess she was only 4 or 5. Next breath was a passerby having a go at the kid for picking the flowers, saying they weren't hers to pick and she was stealing them. Poor wee lass dropped her flowers and run back to her dad in tears. I reckon the father would have taken the guy's head off if his kid hadn't been there. Meanest thing I'd seen for years. What a creep. Couple of nurses saw it all too and when I looked back they were picking up the wee girls flowers. Damage was already done though.


I hope I never become so mean and humourless that I can't ignore a kid picking flowers in a park.



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I´m not as aware about the topic as i would like to, but as far as i understand:


-I wouldn´t see any fun on a kid making two airliners collide


-About the USN Captain, this kind of bull traces are in all armed forces. They don´t understand the military as a service, but a way to get promotion, to calm their thirst of power and mess with whoever. If they have some kind of political advantage, they get much worse, no matter they are the first female commanding a cruiser or an Admiral son-in-law.

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If this happened at a small regional airport no big deal, but one of the busiest airports in the U.S. he was asking for this. If the kid was talking on the ground freq. and not the tower/departure freq. I don't think it would be that big a deal.

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