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Ice Man

Forrestal Class repaints

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I've tryed to install the Forrestal Class repaints carriers but without success.Someone can tell me how can I do please?Thanks!


Best regards,


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what Forestall??


don't think we have one...


what carrier skin pak are you asking about??



kevin stein

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what Forestall??


don't think we have one...


what carrier skin pak are you asking about??



kevin stein


I'm guessing he means this one http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=867


The original Forrestal is at Capun's site, in the ships section http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/

Edited by allenjb42

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Hey man, how many poly is that beauty? The detail level seems very hight..............



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Hey man, how many poly is that beauty? The detail level seems very hight..............





I've tryed to install this carriers:http://forum.combata...ds&showfile=867 , but without results someone can tell me what must I do?Thanks!



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The instructions seem to say to install in the Objects folder. I think it should read to install into Objects\Ground Objects instead.

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