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SF2 have serious potential for pure Orbit sim!

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First at all, I want to thank FalcCAF very much for having me doing this, if it wasn't for him, I would have not discovered the great potential of SF2 being orbit sim. I was told by him that there is a nice view if I go at least 30,000 ft high or higher for an interesting changes in an atmosphere view. So I have decided to take one of special aircraft for a spin, which is F/A-37 Talon, to test the changes of atmosphere in SF2 engine and then I took her up to over 100,000 ft high, oh boy, it was big surprise for me. The view were breathtaking and I showed this to FalcCAF, he was very surprised by this too. However a warning for any of you simmers, do NOT try to go over 120,000 ft high because that is where flight model stops working because SF2 is not made for purely orbit flight of course not, but again, like I said, SF2 have a great potential for purely orbit sim as an add-on to SF2 engine if Tk ever have decided to expanded flight model into pure orbit mode. Enjoy these beautiful screenshots and I am looking forward to see all debates about SF2 having an expanded flight model to orbit for an additional different experiences in SF2. Like for example, possibly 'future air warfare' where combat would take place in orbit in SF2?











Chaoic out...

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One little problem with using the SF series for modeling orbital flight: the game uses a flat square map with solid wall boundries. In other words, you can't orbit! If you enjoy orbital physics, I suggest you try the free sim, Orbiter. Besides the stock Space Shuttle, there are some great user made addons including Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and some sci-fi stuff like the Eagle from Space 1999.

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Thank you for the replies, and about Orbiter, the last time I flew these sim few years ago, is lacking in standard 'candy eye' graphic. One of several reasons why I find SF2 quite immerse is due to impressive 'candy eye' graphic which gives me more 'convincing' experiences after flying many sims since 1990s. However, thank you for telling me the information about SF2 being 'flat square map', but at least, we can always dream for now until Tk surprise us with something someday in future.





Chaoic out...

Edited by Eagle114th

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Plus the AI can't do zero G combat. There was a thread a few weeks ago about adjusting the gravitational factor.


I'm not trying to squash your hopes, but there really isn't a good reason for TK to add space combat capability to the engine. There are SO many things that need work instead.


But if you want a taste of what space combat in the TW engine could be like...





Edited by FastCargo

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The physics engine kills any chance of controlled flight much above 110K feet. As in RL, aerodynamic surfaces don't work at those altitudes. Thrusters are required, and in this series, those only work in conjuction with thrust vectoring.

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as stated above, the maps are square, and the 80km Wall that surround the n/e/s/w borders ALSO extend 80km upwards.


of course, you could probably fly a FOBS profile, but why??? Plenty of good space sims around



kevin stein

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110000ft? That's all? I ejected once at 2000000ft.... :tongue:

Edited by Gocad

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Bah don't listen to these fellas. They always told me "it can't be done" but I did it anyways for many things never seen in a combat flight sim before. Aurora Borealis, afterburner plumes visible to 20 miles at night according to pilot accounts, hour long nuke effects, 1000km size cloud systems, etc...Hey they are Old Timers, so give em a break, okay? :drinks:


You can make 15,000km size maps, full scale. I know, I've done it. I think you can make far larger maps if you sacrifice tile size and terrain detail. ie...you *might* could make 120,000km size maps. Flat square but it would allow "orbiting" for a few hours. What you do is make a bmp image with repeating Earth terrain east-to-west and load it into Terrain Editor.


In the old SF 2006, you could set negative world boundaries and fly east - west with no limit, the terrain repeating over and over....just what you would see if you orbited. Combat AI didn't work fully off the east/west map borders, but everything flew normally. I'd rather make a real oversize map though like described above.


The thing is, can thrust vectoring be made to work? Maybe through the engine tables? I wonder if two triggered gun directions could be made to provide a reaction in two different directions. For player only of course. Weird stuff like that.


But you are on your own and you have to want to become old timers yourselves and that means doing your own experiments with the game, and that means SF1 as well as SF2 if needed. Alot changed there, and some things in SF1 may be more space friendly. I can think of one thing (negative world boundary).

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Serious potential...? :yikes:


Well, no.


You still can have fun with this though, if you enjoy hard work. And that's what its all about.

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110000ft? That's all? I ejected once at 2000000ft.... :tongue:


Yes, aerodynamically controlled flight ends at 110,000 feet, unless you edit the lifting surfaces to a ridiculously unrealistic degree. Than, the series ceases to a "simulator", and enters the realm of "arcade game".

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