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Looking to get a WW1 Sim

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Probably been asked a few times but here goes. :drinks: I am thinking of having a dabble with a WW1 Sim and was thinking either FE1/2 or OFF or ROF. Now which one is the best...............really? ROF looks nice and reading about here has got me tempted, but OFF also looks pretty good (I do have MCFS3). But what about FE 1 or 2? Are they in the same league?




Dogzero1... :salute:

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You really can't go wrong with all 3. ROF, great graphics, good gameplay. OFF huge scope, tons of planes, great gameplay. FE2, moddeable, lots of content and good gameplay. Its a trifecta of fun.

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Thanks Dave.........but I can't afford all three. Which one would you choose? :drinks:

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Since you've made it clear this is a "which ONE" request, I'm going to offer an opinion. And, keep in mind that when you ask "Which one is best", all you're going to get is just that: opinions. What is "best" means different things to different people.


In my opinion, OFF is better than RoF, at least at present. And not by a little. RoF is still far too finicky, requires way more of a computer to run well, and is still having problems associated with each 'update' released to add new features and content. The releases still haven't addressed some of the most glaring problems with RoF (look around, you'll see), and even the most heralded change - not requiring constant online connetion - was only changed partially. It was only after a really huge deal was made about them "getting rid of the online requirement" did the Producers finally come out and say "Well, sort of..."


Make no mistake, the online connection requirement has not been eliminated - not entirely.


RoF is a very pretty gal, to be sure. Beautiful planes, nice articulation of pilots and some features (I love the gun hammers!) Really "puts you there", if you know what I mean.


But after that first date or so, she lacks enough substance for me to be content with for long. Good looks are one thing, but the novelty wears off after awhile. And the more I'e found out about the real product, the more I'm convinced it doesn't live up to the hype. So far.


And yes, I do own both OFF P3/HiTR and RoF. And yes, believe it or not, I still hold out hope that RoF will become the "next generation" WWI combat flight sim it was always supposed to be. But, for me - still way too close to a beta to be considered the next greatest thing.


Lots of potential with RoF, but I don't give points for potential. And if you're looking to buy something any time soon, I can't imagine you'd be pleased with it based strictly on potential, either.


I have FE Gold, but I haven't really spent enough time with it to offer a real informed opinion. I will say it looked pretty good to me, and I could see where it would win out depending on what you're most interested in (me, personally, I'm not interested in a lot of modding if I have to do it...too lazy *lol*). But I gather there's a lot of community modding going on, if you don't mind spending the time to set all that up.


Another thing I like about OFF is it pretty much runs, out of the box, without a ton of mods or configuration.


OFF runs on reasonably conservative hardware and has been pretty much stable for quite some time now. And it continues to get better with each update/add-on. Even when there are problems - very rare - the Devs are all over it, and it's resolved in practically no time. It includes a remarkable array of flyables at no extra charge, and an insanely large collection of historical skins, as well as a ton of detail regarding historical data (squads, locations, even historical weather that's very much a part of the experience). Due to the efforts of the OBD team, this stuff is all done about as accurately as conflicting 90-year old records will allow - and is constantly improved upon by the team and the community.


And, you can play OFF as much as you want, in any mode you want, regardless of whether you ever have an Internet connection at all, period. Ever. And I doubt seriously the Devs will ever change this.


I would NOT say OFF is perfect - because for me, there are almost no 'perfect' games...but, given the whole, it's as damn close to perfect as I could ask.


Also, since you already own CFS3, a part of the cost doesn't apply to you. But you can find deals on any of these products, I'm guessing.


I hope this helps. This is entirely my opinion; I would definitely encourage you to look around online - no shortage of opinions, good and bad, about each.

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Thank you Tamper. Greatly appreciated. I have made my decision and OFF it will be. :salute: I will probably get bored with it after a while anyway and get back to dropping 2000 lb'ers on some unsuspecting NVA fuel dump in my WOV setup. :drinks:




Dogzero1.................out. :salute:

Edited by Dogzero1

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Thanks Dave.........but I can't afford all three. Which one would you choose? :drinks:


Oops I guess I forgot to add, you cant go wrong with any choice. That is what I meant to say. But I see you made your choice. So nevermind. :lol:

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I think there's no doubt OFF offers the most comprehensive package out of the box. FE2 is great, but it's still bare bones like all of TK's stuff until you start tinkering. RoF hasn't yet had that years of development behind it that FE/SF and OFF have. If it survives long enough to make it there, I'm sure it will be a better option.

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Another WW1 sim often over looked is the mod for Fighter Squadron Screaming Demons. Although based on an old engine the detailing is superb. Flight models good.

Plenty of aircraft and they even include seaplane action.

Downside is no Campaign but there is an excellent quick mission builder and full mission builder!!

I rate this little sim very highly and its freeware!!


The developer ArgonV is very helpful and happy to give tips or answer questions.


Well worth a look.

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Thanks for the plug Wildfowler! :D

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Massive OFF fan, but ArgonV has done amazing things with SDOE...and it's a real blast..and of course..it's FREE :drinks::good:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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