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Yet Another Update

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Here is Stormins latest.


For once the thread isn't locked (yet) so you can follow the discussion here untill the mods wake up



posted 09/06/2004 16:55


Our testing of Beta 22 confirmed that the problems with the scoring system and the pilot names in the training missions were fixed. But, a problem with the engine start up was somehow introduced that had the engines spool up at different speeds requiring that they be adjusted individually. It would have been the cause of lots of people complaining that their aircraft were yawing to one side during taxi and flight.


Beta 23 fixed the start up problem but in making adjustments to fix this problem in multiplayer a new problem was introduced that greatly affected the performance of the AIM-120 and R-77 missiles in multiplayer. We could not release the patch with this problem.


We expect to have this fixed and testing will resume on Thursday.


We are very frustrated as we had hoped to release the patch this week. We have been working closely with Ubi Soft QA for the past two weeks and we all believed we were finished.


Nobody wants this patch released more than we do but I am sure all of you agree that when we find a serious problem we have to address it before release.


Our External Testers have been working very hard and I am sure they will be able to convey the frustration we are feeling at being so damn close.


We're doing our best but no matter how frustrating it is, we are not going to release this patch with the missiles not working properly. All of us testing know that the missiles were working great just a version ago so I am confident that the problem will be solved. The trick is to ensure we don't break something else.


Again, please be patient. It will be worth the wait.




P.S. I got up early to post this update so the Mods are not available to lock or sticky this post. If you respond to this tread you need to realize that eventually it will be edited to contain the update only. Please put your comments in another tread. Thanks.


*.. once again the Lomac jedi proved his worth to the rebel alliance*

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it must SUCK to touch one thing and it break another.

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GD computer software!!! At least they caught the missile issue. I get my share of kills w/the '15 as it is, but I'd like to have it fixed correctly.

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Ghost Dog, FYI the update threads are locked so the jerks can't hijack them and force them to be deleted as were other update threads in the past. This way it's a sticky thread and there for those to read without having to sift through the garbage.

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They need programmers that are experts and actually know what they are doing. There coding is so ambiguous that it's no wander that they can touch any thing with out breaking some thing else. Programming Sims are hard but I think the main problems is the Russian programming and the standard of programming mixing together. It does not work very well. Russian code is not a good thing for games. This is why it has taken so long to fix things and this is why the game took so long to be released.

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Somebody must tell to Mr.Snacky to be polite at least and avoid calling forum users as jerks and their posts garbage. Here is not your farm and please respect us all.

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There coding is so ambiguous that it's no wander that they can touch any thing with out breaking some thing else. .

As you don't have access to the source code you don't have all the information needed to make a statement like that.

Edited by ruggbutt

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Programming Sims are hard but I think the main problems is the Russian programming and the standard of programming mixing together. It does not work very well. Russian code is not a good thing for games. This is why it has taken so long to fix things and this is why the game took so long to be released.

Are you REALLY sure you want to go down that path of generalization? Some of the best programs I've ever used have been from Russian programmers. A programmer's nationality has absolutely NO bearing on how tight their code is. And as I doubt you've actually seen the code, it's more of an opinion than fact. ;)

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@Snacky.. i know and i understand the reasons. The thread was open when i posted this and i just found it to be a slight curiosum.


@336TFS... I think Mr Snacky is reffering to some individuals on the UBI boards who did make things difficult for all who where genuinly interested in the updates....of course no reason not to be polite

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Somebody must tell to Mr.Snacky to be polite at least and avoid calling forum users as jerks and their posts garbage. Here is not your farm and please respect us all.

Snacky didn't post anything that is not true. I for one think it's a great idea to post the updates and lock the thread. That way I can read the news, then if people want to get into arguements on the patch status they can do so in another thread. And since no one can argue the fact that there are some real jerks posting in the Ubi threads at times, I don't think he was out of line with that statement either. :D


Guys, like I've said in the past, I encourage ALL discussion here, but let's keep it on a non-personal level please. Things are starting to take on a little more of an edge than I care to see, so keep it civil and friendly folks. That goes for everyone. I really don't want to have to get the Time-Out Stick (patent pending) out. B)

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@GhostDog, np. Theres been a lot of this "The mods are opressing us" talk lately and I just thought I would explain why (although probably obvious the reasons why to some of you).


@336tfs, I'll take that under advisement. Thank you for your constructive criticism and feel free to provide any further feedback in the future. Have a nice day

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There coding is so ambiguous that it's no wander that they can touch any thing with out breaking some thing else. .

As you don't have access to the source code you don't have all the information needed to make a statement like that.

Yes I do have the code for ver 1.1, source code can be extracted from any of the files that contain code. Including but not lmited to exe, dll, cab, and res files. Don't assume I don't have the experience to fix lock on my self.

Edited by lexicon

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Can you tell us what is wrong then?

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Can you tell us what is wrong then?

The classes and super classes are mixed up with other objects that do non-related tasks. But yet are linked together which makes for inefficient programming. This is why I call it ambiguous. Like the engine and missile functions are to closely put together. This is why they are so frustrated because they did not put things together in an orderly way. Now that the code is 1000 miles long it's hard to find the right path and method of fixing code.


If you asked any real professional in the programming business he/she would likely say the same thing about this code. Do keep in mind I would give you guys some source code but it is hard to extract and it takes time. Plus it is also illegal to post their code on this forum other wise I would be glad to show you. But I can show a example if you would like.

Edited by lexicon

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aah - i was wondering about decompilation myself. It would be a very good way to get past the "you haven't seen the code so you can't spot bad coding" argument. unfortunately decompiled code is a pain in the butt to read as whitespace characters aren't included - like reading a whole book with no formatting.


you can infer a great deal about the code by the difficulties that are occurring when one thing is altered causing a chain reaction that breaks other things, but i don't expect everyone to be able to understand WHY this happens without a long and tiring (and very very boring) conversation about program design and keeping your data structure organised.


what's even scarier - is what if there are "other" seemingly unrelated things breaking that aren't being noticed because they were working quite well before?


time to cross fingers and HOPE.


I don't think posting the source would be a good idea.

Edited by Bard

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