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A Music Question

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Ok ... I can't stand it any more!!! I play and listen to BLUEGRASS!!! and around here it's a religion and Earl Scruggs is God!!earl4.jpg

rap??? I don't think so...I have only 2 rules as far as music goes in my house..1)NO RAP!! 2)if in doubt...refer to rule 1.

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I said country, Bluegrass is in a class by itself. In fact I was looking for a CD of Flatt and Skrugs. How can you not drive fast when listening to Foggy Mountain Breakdown? Like alot of music that I enjoy, I got my first real exposure to Blue Grass via the Dr. Demento Show.

Dagger, you want to hear something great? get a hold of "Midnight Special" done by Led Belly {Huddie Ledbetter}, if I remember right, it was recorded in the late twenties,early thirties. Long before CCR.


Oh and what I bought was the 1812 Overture. Music with cannons, how can you go wrong? :D

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I've gotta tell ya'll, I love just about all music. Some kinds of music I can listen to all day, and others get tired after a couple of tunes. (Blues being one example) I even like country, and Native American Pow Wow music. I play multiple musical instruments, from drums and guitar, to Native American flute and The great Scottish Highland Bagpipes. The only two kinds of music that have that "fingernails on chalkboard" effect on me are Opera and cRAP. I can even think of one opera I do like, however, I cannot think of ANY cRAP that had that "hook" in it. You know what I mean. There is something in any good song that grabs your ear and won't let go. Some little riff, or lick, or melody line that resonates with your soul and makes you feel good. It may mean driving fast to the tune of "Pipeline", or soaking up the sunset with something ethereal from Enya. The point is, cRAP just does'nt do that. I've grown up with music. It is a huge part of my life. I don't doubt that the people that put out cRAP work real hard on it, and have developed a "talent" of sorts, but that does'nt make it music any more than putting a crucifix in a jar and filling it with urine is art. Oh, I am 41 years old for those of you who might have been wondering. That is all. - Sledge out.

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Here is what I listen to. http://www.nuclearblast.de/media/DimmuBorgir2003.ram


Music is just a thing of many expressions. I hate RAP (Retards Attempting Poetry) but it's here to stay. But there is also music that's underground that’s good you don't have to go with the rest of the sheep in this world.


Edited by lexicon

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Bleugrass....yeah that is good. There was a good band in mine hometown. I know the ladysinger from Groundspeed.


What I liked in the morning. Get into the car, turn the cd player on. Do it loud and I listen to: Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone. From the soundtrack of Top Gun.

Really, the is the speed that I need.


Further, see a early topic write of me. So many people, so many music. Everybody got his own kind of music, some like almost all kind of music (like me).




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OMFG! System=M=! Trance, House, Techno, all that stuff is pure instrumental. Most of the top acts/producers have classical backgrounds, and/or played in bands. I will agree, that most techno is s**t! But that's just because the majority of the people that listen to it, dont know what to pick up.... they think its some sort of crap that is made on a computer in a basement somewhere.... when its not.


In fact many groups incorporate instruments into their live performances.... my latest love (Grayarea) uses Guitar, and Drums along with the electronics... and they are phenomenal.


Rap/Hip Hop is doo doo.... it's not complex from a musical POV, all it is, is some asshole yelling obscenity over 3 layers of music. And Pop just needs to die.


Rock has been dead (for the most part, IMHO) since '95. I miss real Punk, and the Seattle scene. :(


BTW, did anybody see that Nickleback got rocks thrown at them at one of their shows, recently??? GOOD JOB to those in attendance!

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