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I installed the new Exp.1 addon on a clean combo install and many effects as:

engine smokes, damage smokes, explosions...are missing.

The game also contantly crashes upon hitting the esc button to end mission... :dntknw:

Does anyone else having those irregular shadows on the pilot helmets?

I thought I saw these only on new a/c or am I wrong?





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Until a patch fixes that, turn Unlimited effects back to High. They seem to be the reason for a lot of glitches at the moment.

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I have similar shadows on helmets, doesn't bother me much, as for the effects I'm using effects pack so can't fully verify, but at first run of the addon then without any additional effects I had damage smoke and explosions at least




as Gr.Viper mentioned and I forgot to add in my post -turn to high, such shadows are being cast only on unlimited settings

Edited by Stary

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Thanks guys!

I'll try with effects set to high tonight...


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I have mine set to High and I don't get any issues...

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I turned to high and I got effects back but only the default ones not the modded ones I was using.

I switched back to unlimited and original effects still there.

I exited and reentered game effects lost!

Back to high still no effects...

I disabled all mods, graphics set to high game worked fine. Graphics unlimited fine again.

I started adding mods then.

When I add my modded Flight folder from SF2I I lost effects.

I disabled it and original effects-back.

Something was conflicting inside Flight folder.

I tried disabling PARTICLESYSTEM.INI effects working again

Enabled back PARTICLESYSTEM.INI and effects still working!

I gave up...I don't know if there will be any effects the next time I'll fire up my game,

not to mention the modded effects I was using till now are not showing up at all.


PS the odd shadows remain either the graphics are set to unlilited or high... :dntknw:

Edited by elephant

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SO now you are saying its just the add on effects that are not working? I expect your game is using DX10 - in which case go to the effects folder and open up a few old inis for the effects that are not working.


check the last entries (usually material ones) have a new shader name:






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