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Oh hell yes!

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Gentlemen...we have finally found a republican with balls. Her name is Jan Brewer and she is the Governor of Arizona. This woman must be President.


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Gentlemen...we have finally found a republican with balls. Her name is Jan Brewer and she is the Governor of Arizona. This woman must be President.




too freakin funny...and too freakin true if they read tha damn thing maybe their brains would have over-rode thier typical knee-jerk response.

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How do you boycott a state? :blink:

Edited by JediMaster

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I can attest to the fact that "I Love Arizona" stickers seem to be a hot commodity in my area, lately.

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Eh, being stationed in Arizona kind of sucks. Everywhere I see a political ad, all I see is what makes this state so sleazy...

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Jan Brewer is a windbag and a sellout! She is not fit to hold any public office which is sadly the case with 95% of our elected officials today.


SB1070 has nothing to do with the above statement. If you want to be in this country or any country for that matter you must do it LEGALLY. If you are here or there under any other circumstances you're doing it illegally and breaking the law which speaks directly to the point. We and other countries are not found of harboring or providing for people who are knowingly breaking the law (read: criminals). I don't care how you cut this issue it boils down to illegal versus legal and both of those circumstances come with a defined set of expectations.

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I'm happy that I don't have to go back to the Border (again) with the Guard. I am so happy that I deiced to move and I am now in the process of moving to Texas, to where a Guard unit isn't so broke that I can only shoot 100 rnds once a year. I strongly dislike that state, but I am glad they had the bawls to stand up and actually make being illegal in the state, ILLEGAL.

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