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Kicked in the nadds......

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( a backup story)


Have you ever been, u no kicked so hard u can taste it?


a couple of weeks ago after gaining a "new" 500 Gb USB drive I diced that I no longer needed a smaller partition I had on my normal HDD and was going to give all remaining space back to the HDD C: partition.



my first mistake:


I already had a 340gb USB drive that contained my backups that was running out so I swapped everything to the "new" 500gb drive


I then put all my zips on the 340 from the other partition on the HDD these are not in any type of organization just dropped in there.


my Second Mistake


I then started to remove the H: partition from the HDD to make the free space available to C: every thing was going great I thought durring the process I guess my HDD crashed cuz it said there was a error during the process and i needed to reboot when I rebooted the machine wouldn't go past D: drive in the boot process wouldnt let me in safe mode ecept the bios yeah it would but wasnt much I could do there



I searched for a program that would boot the system from the D: and let me see the C: drive well there wasn't much to see on the c: drive so I figured go ahead and reformat.


Well the new 500GB with my backups had a copy of my XP disk on it so I decided to use that as my install smart thinkin huh? NO! third mistake but i will get back to that


The windows install didn't take.


I tried with my regular windows disk it never took so, I have ordered and received my new HDD installed and now its going again plug in the "new" 500gb with my backups and yes u guessed it everything is gone gone gone well except for the "failed" windows install......


the ones that hurt the worst are my dev files and of course I told the wifie that all of her piccys from the diggy camera would be fine on my backup--------- Wrong



I still have the zips N stuff "downloaded stuff" on the 340 drive so all is not lost, but 10-15 years of stuff I had done is on the "ethernet"


I'm trying to recover some of the stuff with a recovery software but i don't have much hope....



Well now that I have bored you with my sob story

time to start over..........................

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my commiserations...

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that's a damn shame.. hope you'll recover as much files as possible good.gif

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What was the D: drive?


When installing Windows, its best to have connected only the one internal hard drive that Windows will be installed to. I've read that not doing this can mess up how Windows sees hard drive or hard drive partition letter naming. I assume its best to also disconnect any external USB hard drives before running Windows setup.





Have you ever been, u no kicked so hard u can taste it?





Don't depend on just one USB external hard drive per backup. I was rapping with a local computer builder today and he told me USB hard drives get corrupted alot (or something). I have no idea since I never mess with them. I do know that I won't tolerate any 3rd Party consumer level PCB board, found in external drive enclosures, between my internal (ie...normal) hard drive and *multiple* independently backed up to internal hard drives.




The List





...if I read right...

Hard drive crash

One USB hard drive backup failed

No further backup





Lost one backup DVD

No further backup





Hard drive crash

No backup

2stalin.GIF <-- lolz _tr, external server




Hard drive crash

No Backup





Deleted game

No backup




Okay who's next?

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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I know it's easy to be a Monday morning Windows admin but I've learned as well. You cannot have too many backups.


We all feel your pain and good luck with the recovery.

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As an IT Support person the only time you have too many backups is when you require a hard drive to use for something else... I follow the old method though if you not sure back it up if in doubt back it up and finally if bored one Sunday afternoon back up...

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