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Paul Blum's Story: A BHaH Pilot's Saga

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hee, hee...well not if the Mile High Club were to have had the same connotation back in 1916 as it does today. But since that was not the case, and since many dignitaries and royal family members, (both male and female), did indeed take such flights during WWI to see what it was like to be in the air, it is not really all that unlikely that Paul would be allowed to serve as Queen Charlotte's aerial chauffeur for a brief tour of the city. Now ,that being said, if Paul could instead get Sophie to take a fly with him...



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Greetings All,


I've been gone most of this week and got back late last night, so I will hopefully be getting caught up this weekend on all the latest happenings around here. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you my latest idea on how to improve the continuity of my current campaign pilot's ongoing story. As some of you know, I began several weeks ago documenting Paul Blum's career with FFA 48 over in the "Reports From The Front" thread and will continue to do so. But rather than inserting the new episodes and letters and such directly into my posts I will instead be inserting the following link, which will take you to an actual page I have built just for this pilot.


Here it is:


Paul Blum's Story


I believe this gives a much better flow to the story and allows for a more traditional reading experience. Perhaps some of you other OFF writers have access to some web space that you could park a page on for this purpose. If so, you should consider this for your pilot's who survive long enough to have a fuller story fleshed out around them. It would be great for folks like me who enjoy reading through the entire storylines. Now, I hope you will enjoy the latest installment of Paul's ongoing adventure, and the new format it is being offered in.








Wow! Awesome page Lou. I've bookmarked it for further reading. Cheers!

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Thanks for the kudos, CaptSopwith, enjoy the read Sir. I've been on the road for the last several days but I hope to get back and post the next installment of Paul's adventure soon.







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Thanks for the kudos, CaptSopwith, enjoy the read Sir. I've been on the road for the last several days but I hope to get back and post the next installment of Paul's adventure soon.








I look forward to the next installment Lou. It looks like Paul had quite a close call last time! And the skies are only going to get more dangerous from here! Viel Glück!

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Great stuff, Lou!

You may be able to bring the views of a German pilot closer to the hearts of the Camel flyers.

Good idea to make Paul meet the King of Württemberg.

He looks a bit like Buster Keaton - but maybe many people of the time did. :grin:

Edited by Olham

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Many thanks Olham, glad to know you are enjoying Paul's story. And he does look a LOT like a silent film star, though it's not Buster Keaton. :wink:


CaptSopwith, it was a very close call for young Blum in his last mission. And you are quite right, it is only going to get more dangerous as 1916 moves along.



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Greetings All,


It's been a while since Paul's story moved along. I hadn't forgotten about it, I've just been busy with work and such. However, I was able to devote some time this weekend to young Blum and for those interested the next installment has been added.


Paul Blum's Story


If all goes well, he and Karl will be back in the air soon.







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I find myself lost with what to say to express how good this is. Only two words keep coming to mind.......... Unfriggin believable!

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Thanks nbryant, glad to know you found Paul's saga entertaining. Herr Prop-Wasche, I hope you will enjoy the read as well.



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Blimey! That's a real cliffhanger, Lou. Get yourself back behind the keyboard pronto and give us the next installment... please!

Edited by Dej

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Great stuff, Lou! So he has a beautiful own Jagd-Einsitzer now! Even in his own "dress"!

Paul is becoming familiar like a pilot friend from my own Jasta, and I suffer more nervousness for him than for my own.

The loss of his observer was his first big own tragedy, and he is only at the beginning of the war still.

I wonder, how far he may get, and I hope he will survive the war - but the dice are the devil's...

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Many thanks Olham, I appreciate the true German feedback on this story as I am writing it as an "outsider". Yes, Paul has a wonderful single-seater now to fight in, and I must say that the D.II is a joy to fly. Far more responsive than I remember it from my last go-round with it. Also, I too am very concerned for this pilot each time he goes out now as I have such a vested interest in him, (as I did in his gunner Karl). When the crash came in the forest I was chanting, "Please send him to the hospital...please send him to the hospital..." This time the dice roll went in favor of young Blum, but not for poor Karl. I heard the death scream from the rear cockpit as the Bebes were showering us with lead on the way down and it made me sick.


Who knows how the Devil will throw the dice on the next roll. Very exciting, and scary.



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...I must say that the D.II is a joy to fly. Far more responsive than I remember it from my last go-round with it.

I actually love it more than the D.III, cause you can perform pretty steep dives in it without loosing your lower wings.


I heard the death scream from the rear cockpit as the Bebes were showering us with lead on the way down and it made me sick.

Can one really hear the observer scream? My god - that must have been a terrible feeling. He was your body guard in the truest meaning of the word.

I hope, Paul will make it into 1918 - but that is still a long way to fly...

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Alas, RIP Karl. I liked him, 'salt of the earth' type, none better to guard one's back.


Speaking of which, I hope Paul remembers to check his six more often now that Karl's not there... though it wouldn't surprise me if Karl were sitting on Paul's shoulder as a guardian angel.

Edited by Dej

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Thanks for the input and the words of warning Gents, I am sure young Paul will take them all to heart. And an angel on his shoulder certainly couldn't hurt, given the situation.



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Greetings All,


Leutnant Ritter von Blum flew his first combat mission with his new outfit, in his new Alb, and as a flight leader. It went less than well.


Paul Blum's Story



Also, I have divided the story into several pages and added nav buttons at the bottom of each. It was getting large enough that having it load as a single page was taking quite a while.







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Excellent writing Lou.I do most heartily congratulate you.I look forward to bringing myself up to date tonight.Cheers and thank you for an absorbing read.

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Thank you Hood for the congratulatory words. It warms me ol' heart to know folks are enjoying Paul's story.







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Lou, the story is getting better and better. Paul Blum is a really good comrade.

I would have wished to have a flight leader like him.

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Thank you for the kind words Olham. Paul would be lucky indeed to have you as a flying partner. His most recent letter home to his mother has just been added along with some photos of his latest mission.


Paul Blum's Story







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Good to see Paul is back with his beloved Albatros (I could feel the longing!).

If he isn't in Jasta 16 anymore - where is he now? Did I miss that bit?

Hey - 699 viewings show, that your epic tale is well regarded!

(More in "Reports from the Front")

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Oh yes, he is with Jasta 16 Olham. The letter to his mother is the first one he has written from his new assignment with that unit. If you noticed the date of the letter is the day following the incident with the two new men. At this point Paul has only been back at the front for about five days, prior to that he had been teaching at the Roland school and touring Germany as a "publicity child" of the Kaiser, (this was all filled in in the 7 December 1916 entry on page 5). :smile:





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