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HOTAS Cougar

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I apologize as i know this isnt the correct section of the forum for the topic at hand.



I just ordered my Cougar today and will be receiving it monday. Now it was either that or the Saitech X52 Pro... But i read alot that the Cougar CH product was

the most valued and respected stick out of the 2.. But now i am at a hard spot unable to figure out what to do. The cougar doesnt

have a twist rudder action like the Saitech and i cant get any sim pedals for rudder control in my country (South Africa).


The the Cougar as i read today that after wear and tear u need to mod it after a year depending on usage and abusive movement on ur behalf when flying.



I can try and cancel my order tomorrow 1st thing but i really dont want to but i have no alternative choice as i need rudder control i cant fly without rudders

and i aint reaching for the keyboard to do that either. Any1 could possibly offer a solution to the matter? I got the stick half price for what its going for

and i really dont wanna give it up but i cannot function without the use of rudder control.


I was also looking at the X65F Saitech...... very pricey but overall i prefer it over the g940 as i read and felt the stick itself is abit sloppy.

with the X65F the stick is static it doesnt even move if u pull back on it which is a horrible feeling but i think after time and use u will

get used to the pressure pulling. the stick will have less wear and tear on it and its extremely accurate down to the TEE!!! which is

one of the main reasons why it grabs my attention. and it has twist rudder lol......... the stick is out of stock where i from so i have to wait

over a month for it and that means no fly time which i wanna get started with asap i have been rehabilitated from flying for 6 years now

and i need that to come to an end.



If any1 can share some light on the Cougar issue for me i would truly appreciate it i really love this stick but if not then i rather splash the cash and get the X65F for 2 reasons

accuracy and wear and tear to a minimal leaving no sloppy middle deadzone pressure after heavy use or replacing bits that i would need to do with the Cougar after a year or 2.

Edited by revenge

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Sending you a PM.

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I have a Cougar and G940, and I mostly just use the G940 now. The centering issue in some games can be annoying, but overall I prefer it. Plus my Cougar is 6-7 yrs old now and the RCS pedals are over 15 yrs old!

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ok u and dave have mentioned that ur cougar has lasted u both for a considerable amount of time so i will get the cougar.


thanks guys great community here very hospitable and generous. :good:

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You can't go past TM products for reliabilty and longevity. I still have my F-16FLCS and WCS MkII from the early 90's and they're still going strong (after a small USB conversion...)



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You got your FLCS to work with USB? The reason I bought the Cougar in the first place was the loss of the gameport in my SB Audigy years back. I LOVED my FLCS/TQS/RCS combo, with Bob Church's digital chips upgrade, but it wouldn't work via USB. I think I finally dumped my FLCS when I bought the G940 for space reasons, it was still sitting in the closet till then.

The Cougar worked, but it was never as good to me as the FLCS/TQS was.

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I will say this though. Now that I am CH guy, I would never go back to a Cougar. The Cougar was great but my entire CH set up is miles ahead of the Cougar.

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Whats ur CH system consist of? what are u using Dave?

Edited by revenge

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I have the Pro fighter stick, the rudder pedals, the 2 MFP's and the pro throttle.


This is the MFP:




I wouldn't dream of simming without the MFP's.


Now if I could just learn to program as good as 531_Ghost....

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well i am very happy to say that i will be getting my Cougar regardless :salute: and my CH pedals are on their way which i will see on monday along with my Cougar.


Next month after payday i will go and get myself a TrackIR 5.... then i am set for a good solid while... :clapping:

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"A bit of work"!?!? :blink: That's the understatement of the year.

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You can't go past TM products for reliabilty and longevity. I still have my F-16FLCS and WCS MkII from the early 90's and they're still going strong (after a small USB conversion...)




Guess you haven't tried CH yet? I have had my CH set-up (stick, throttle and pedals) for about 7 years. And they work the same as I just took them out of the box! I bet people can't say that about their cougar. I did recently buy a cougar in June, but can't get it to install in windows 7, guess what....my CH installed just fine. I bought the cougar cause I work on F-16's and I like the throttle. Not a big fan on the CH throttle, but it does it's job very well.

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Ok got the Cougar and CH pedals



Now feeling this out i am loving the cougar stick it feels incredibly solid and tough to move which is great....


the throttle is a lil worrying it feels very loose when i slide it backwards and forwards and it makes a clicking feel and sound as i move it is this normal? i assume they are indents to prevent the stick sliding to forwards or backwards to lock it in place?



I am struggling to find windows 7 64bit drivers for this thing i am only seeing vista. could some1 recommend me any links to a reliable link? sorry not lazy i looked but i aint to sure what i am looking for and would love abit of help

with some1 who has experience with the Cougar....



Also my CH pedals i click calibrate and nothing happens it wont let me calibrate the slide and toe breaks...

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There's a dial on the front of the throttle base. That's a tension adjuster for the throttle's motion. The clicks are the detents, one for idle and one for afterburner. Unfortunately, on mine I get no throttle response below the idle detent, making it useless, but the AB one is fine.

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awesome thanks Jedi...



I spent most the day reading the manual on this online and getting the right drivers and stuff to work on windows 7 so thats getting somewhere....


next reading the manual on SF2 and how to use it with full extent of the cougar... this is gonna take a while. lol


i have been out of action for a long time gonna have to relearn everything from scratch again i am now officially a novice...

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Revenge, did you get it working with Windows 7? I haven't been able to get mine working with W7 yet. Gonna try again here in the upcoming weeks and hopefully I can get it to work. Have you been to Cougar World? It has everything you will need to know about the Cougar....here is a link http://cougar.flyfoxy.com/ Hope it helps and enjoy.

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I had mine working on Win7 for the whole 3 weeks between install and getting my G940, so it does work. I just don't remember what I did.

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Revenge, did you get it working with Windows 7? I haven't been able to get mine working with W7 yet. Gonna try again here in the upcoming weeks and hopefully I can get it to work. Have you been to Cougar World? It has everything you will need to know about the Cougar....here is a link http://cougar.flyfoxy.com/ Hope it helps and enjoy.


Hey Cali


Yeah I got my Cougar working i followed the instructions if u want i can send u a list of things to do i slightly did things different as it didnt make sense for me in some instructions.....


I couldnt get the HOTAS program to work but somehow foxy was working....

so what i did do is flashed my cougar to the latest firmware and now everything is working 95%

the only reason i say 95% is cause i cant get the mouse to work on the throttle i can get the button of the mouse

but scrolling i havent managed to get working.... i will play some more on sorting out this matter...



I am hoping once the Warthog comes out alot of Cougar owners will try and manipulate the Warthog software and drivers to accommodate the Cougar for todays systems....

Edited by revenge

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I am gonna have to buy the X65F Saitek....


i am having problems with my Cougar, it installs all software works but i cant get emulation working or any profiles to load or download to the cougar keeps giving me an error.

everything else works fine til this part. i cant even play lockon cause it doesnt detect my throttle unless there is a profile installed....


SF2 works good a bit but i need to do profiles for the game i have a SF1 profile which i wanna modify for SF2.... but i cant seeming profiles arent working or loading to the cougar....



Hopefully when the warthog comes out the new software will accommodate the cougar...


really pissed off as i am loving this Cougar.

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I managed to get it to work all the software and emulation on....


I just cant figure out how to corporate a profile to a game i know u need to use foxy to do it.

just lately i havnt gotten to learning foxy..




what i did to manage to get it to work and install smoothly was. 2007_HCO_VISTA_64_RC1 i went to properties i made it run as administrator and i set compatibility mode to Visa straight...

installed without a hitch and everything including the software and calibration software working flawlessly......


before i did all that I uninstalled the software, uninstalled the drivers in device manager and rebooted the pc.... once i did that i reinstalled the software with those settings applied.

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