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Increasing tracer frequency

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So I've searched and gone through the tutorials but I still can't find where to change the frequency of tracers being used. Like for every 5 rounds 1 tracer round etc. All I can find is this:

TracerTexture=<-- get this

TracerSize=<-- get this

TracerDistFactor=<-- don't get what this is

TracerLength=<-- get this

Anyone help?

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I've found this line in individual missions for each aircraft entry:




I'm assuming it means 1 tracer per 6 rounds.


Try that.



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Wasn´t "TracerLoading=2" used in the aircraft´s Data.ini file for every gun entry? I believe this means every second round fired produces a tracer.

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TracerDistFactor=<-- don't get what this is


The factor by which the visible tracer increases in size (diameter) over distance.

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I've found this line in individual missions for each aircraft entry:




I'm assuming it means 1 tracer per 6 rounds.


Try that.




What .cat and file are you looking at?




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Where do you edit the tracers burn time?


In the bulletobjcet.ini, modify the following to INCREASE the tracer distance (and the lifespan of the round).






MinBulletMach=0.3 <----Setting suggested by Stary, default is higher.

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As a matter of interest, does anyone know what the file G1.DAT, referred to in BulletObject.INI, does?

And has anyone ever edited it?

Edited by Gatling20

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it's the general ballistics and gravity data IIRC, hardcoded so no edits possible without serious HEX editing assuming you know what to change, correct me if I'm wrong






MinBulletMach=0.3 <----Setting suggested by Stary, default is higher.


as for above the minbulletmach= works for all fired bullets not only tracers, setting low values (below 0.4) used to slow the game slightly as engine tracks every single projectile, default value of 0.7 (~850 km/h) is waay to high, 0.3 or 0.2 are more realistic value, still able to deliver some damage


ArmingTime=5 <---- this I think is for time-fuzed..? But if so, value isn't in seconds I think

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Thanks Stary - I don't think I'll be messing with G1.DAT anytime soon, then.

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