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Great Story

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That is just f***ing stupid ... those narrowminded, pinheads can DO that, simply because of men/women like that.


I'm glad they got chased away. I can't even think of words foul enough to describe people like that...


how sad for humanity



kevin stein

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f*** yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Weston!!!!!!!!!!

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does the CIA still kidnap people and take them to countries that DO torture? i can think of a whole church that need plane tickets for that flight! way to go to Weston for getting them gone

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That D..kh..d and his followers go all over to disrupt funerals for fallen GI's.

If anyone is aware of them coming to a funeral,they should get in touch with Patriot Guard Riders. It is a motorcycle club that goes all over to specifically block these SCUM from disrupting a funeral.

Bravo Zulu to Weston for taking it upon themselves to block these S..th..d's. :salute:

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