Foofighter 0 Posted August 31, 2004 Pro Bush Protesters at the convention in Central Park. Got this from this link... Here's just a part of it but if you want to read the full story read the entire link. Billionaires for Bush, no matter what your politics, must be one of the most likable protest groups ever formed. Our country's politics have seemed a trifle (!) short of humor in recent years, but these people have found a way to make a point while making people smile, even people who don't agree with their point. The Billionaires' key tool is slogans. On April 15 they staged demos carrying signs that said "Taxes Aren't for Everyone," and "Thank You for Paying Our Fair Share." Next week they will celebrate "Cheap Labor Day." Today's slogans, taken from signs we saw at the Great Lawn or later in the "Million Billionaires March" (there may have been 150 of them in fact), included these: "Four More Wars" "Corporations Are People Too" "Leave No Billionaire Behind" "Privatize Everything" "Dick Cheney Is Innocent" "Get on the Limo!" "Free Ken Lay" "Warning: Affordable Health Is Hazardous to Our Profits" "Widen the Income Gap" "Kerry-Edwards: Where's the Greed?" The one that sums it up for me the most is: Next week they will celebrate "Cheap Labor Day." Check out their website: War, Astronomical Deficits in addition to this is why I'm voting for Kerry (plus all the other reasons I said in previous post). Honor? Patriotism? If I didn't have these I wouldn't be so worried about the economics behind all of this and so adamant about posting it. You and I are going to be held financially responsible for this long after he's gone and that's a scary picture. Foofighter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingun 0 Posted August 31, 2004 (edited) ...................... Edited August 31, 2004 by Chaingun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted August 31, 2004 War, Astronomical Deficits in addition to this is why I'm voting for Kerry (plus all the other reasons I said in previous post). I take it there were no deficits BEFORE George Bush? ever? for war,I believe it is better to keep them worried were we going to go next than having them fly more of our own airplanes(OR MUCH MUCH worse) into our own wise,Im a firm believer in a flat tax,period,everyone pay same percentage(no loopholes etc)....I think you might mention that we not doing anything bout korea or iran..north korea wont do anything stupid,they dont want to become a province of china or a south korean for iran,they looking real close at what IS happening,there are American Troopers on two sides of that country,the israeli airfoce problly has a plan to bomb the iranian nukes...terrorists(like 'guerillas;) don't like having to look over their IS your Right to vote for Whoever you want(many folks have and ARE dying to protect that Right and freedom),that will NOT ever be argued(unless you in florida and too dense to punch thru or read the whole instructions)..just remember that this country IS at war,has BEEN for many years,just that it was decided to fight back.....but yes NO one will ever say you cant vote as you wish it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingun 0 Posted August 31, 2004 ...................... Scout, Your much better with words than I am. In other words, what scout said... My post earlier that I was trying to figure out would have probably raised the ire of some of the mods here and I didn't want to do that. Dagger knows me and could probably vouche for what I could have said. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foofighter 0 Posted September 2, 2004 Hey Scout, Yes, there were deficits before Bush. It took us 80 years to go from 0 debt to 5.6 trillion dollars in debt. Clinton was the first President in that time frame to finally get the gov't to spend less than it is bringing in! Bush is going on at a 500 billion a year clip since he has been in office. This year he has all ready nearly equalled that amount (445 billion as of July) in just half a year. So at the end of his first term we will be looking at roughly 7.5 to 8.0 trillion in debt. A 35-40% increase in the debt in just 4 years!!! As I said in the past we spend more annually on the INTEREST (not the principle) THAN WE DO ON NATIONAL DEFENSE! THAT"S HOW DEEP OUR BUTT's are in Debt. What happens when the CREDIT gets cut off? Do a little research on what happens to a country when it goes bankrupt, It's too much for me too explain here but I'll give you a hint, start with a few south american countries. I do agree with you on a flat tax, it's only fair. Why don't we take a look at WHY all of these people are pissed off at us. Ever since we became the only "Superpower" we've been in EVERYBODY's business trying to tell them how to run their respective countries. And it's been under the guise of "do what we say or there will be hell to pay (sanctions or bombs, take your pick)." Well nobody likes to be controlled and this is their way of telling us to F*#( Off! And that's why we're in this positon. Let's look at this as if the shoe were on the other foot. What if China said they disagree with Capital Punishment so they put economic sanctions on Florida and landed troops? You tell me what anyone in this forum including myself would do. We'd fight any way we could to stop them from INTERFERING IN OUR AFFAIRS! Look at what this is costing us in lives and resources, and this is just Iraq, not including the other countries you mentioned. ON CREDIT. You're right, Troops are losing lives and being injured to protect our freedoms, Because of our need to CONTROL, COERCE AND FORCE what we want on other nations is causing us to have to defend ourselves because our arrogance is pissing them off. And the answer is so simple and it wouldn't cost us a dime. If we would quit trying to CONTROL and FORCE our ideas and interests on other countries under threat of sanctions or bombs and tried to help them and treat them on equal terms we wouldn't have all of this anger against us. In terms of Nuclear weapons: We invented them and now we're trying to police the world from them. On Credit. Hey Scout, You are right on 2 things. This country is at War. I just ask that you look at why, I just explained it and remember troops are dying and being injured because we can't "mind our own business" and as a result masses amounts of resources are being spent. ON CREDIT. And this is just Iraq! And secondly, I do have a right to vote for whoever I want just as you do and from seeing lives being lost and record deficits which will catch up to us sooner than later I've made my choice. As you have made yours. Just remember, We are a "Superpower", a "Superpower on CREDIT ONLY." And every Creditor has a Credit Limit. And when countries go Bankrupt one of the first things that happens is their infrastructure fails or declines. (i.e. police forces, services, etc). And the military ends up like the former U.S.S.R.'s. And we haven't even discussed the economy :D ! Foofighter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 2, 2004 Clinton was the first President in that time frame to finally get the gov't to spend less than it is bringing in! Bush is going on at a 500 billion a year clip since he has been in office Actually he was the ONLY one that was NOT faced with a enemy,he managed to bs his way thru the wtc in 93,khobar towers,the american embassies and the uss cole,yeah he was more interested in his 'legacy' than in doing the job he was elected to do,defend and PROTECT..if I remember correctly there was a little incident happen in a little town called new york, about 8 months after President Bush took for the rest of your comments,I will reply to some of have made up your mind that this Country brought things on themselves,that is your perfect right to say...but be fully aware those ANIMALS that flew our own airplanes ,filled with our own women and children,into our own buildings were NOT doing it because of our 'oppresion' or us impossing our will on saudi arabians....I might suggest you read the speech posted earlier by Chief,or find it on the net,the speech by a Fully Fledged democrat is rather blunt..guess we 'impossed' our will on the british,the germans,the japanese,the north koreans,the troops that invaded kuwait.....yeah,thats it..we are to blame...of course we are... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
navychief 1 Posted September 2, 2004 Silly me for thinking the US is not to blame for the attacks on 9/11. Of course we are. NOT. Navy Chief Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foofighter 0 Posted September 2, 2004 First off, I read "the speach", secondly your missing the point. And in terms of the number of innocent women and children being killed, who's lost more? Us as a result of them hijacking our planes or the Innocent Iraqi and Afghani women and children that had nothing to do with it by our bombs? Oh Yeah, that's right, I'm sorry, I forgot, their lives are not as important as the ones you mention (sarcasm implied)! Secondly you said, you have made up your mind that this Country brought things on themselves,that is your perfect right to say...but be fully aware those ANIMALS that flew our own airplanes ,filled with our own women and children,into our own buildings were NOT doing it because of our 'oppresion' or us impossing our will on saudi arabians I haven't made up my mind that this country brought things on themselves. I stated a fact that as a result of our handling foreign affairs and the way we treat the world as the reason that this was and is being "brought to us". I was presenting a fact, not an opinion. And, I did not mention oppressing just the Saudi Arabians (who just so happen to be awfully friendly to the Bush family), I mentioned HOW WE TREAT THE WORLD. Remember Rumsfeld wouldn't meet with the German Foreign Minister because they refused to support the war. So we threaten sanctions. The British and Japanese, all we have to do is say jump and they'll say "How Heil" (pun intended). Your comment about the North Koreans? Hell, explain that one to me. All I am saying (once again), is that if we weren't in everybody else's business and minded our own we wouldn't be having these problems. You guys act like we don't have to pay for all of this, Wait till the money runs out... Foofighter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foofighter 0 Posted September 2, 2004 I all most forgot, Why don't you guys give me some "insight" on why all of this is happening? I'd love to hear it ;) ! Foofighter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 2, 2004 I all most forgot,Why don't you guys give me some "insight" on why all of this is happening? I'd love to hear it ;) ! Foofighter no you wouldn't,that's been made VERY clear..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 2, 2004 I read "the speach", secondly your missing the point. And in terms of the number of innocent women and children being killed, who's lost more? Us as a result of them hijacking our planes or the Innocent Iraqi and Afghani women and children that had nothing to do with it by our bombs? Oh Yeah, that's right, I'm sorry, I forgot, their lives are not as important as the ones you mention (sarcasm implied)! the speech,I dont think you comprehended what WAS said..but thats ok,its your right see things that only you want to for the women and children,I stand by what I stated,Id rather say oppps than oh crap where thery get that??and being blunt,yes you are QUITE right their lives are NOT as Important as MY FAMILY,nor as important as the lives of the citizens of THIS country we live in..Mind you,before I get crap on this comment,their lives ARE important but to the extent of balancing their lives againgst FAMILY and Friends and Fellow Americans,they will come up short long as those heroic ANIMALS hide behind women and children they ARE going to get zapped,such is WARand one last little comment,the Armed Forces of the United States do NOT go out of their way to kill those innocents,the ONLY plane that got wasted during the lybian raid was because the Man in control of the bird could NOT VISUALLY see his target,the radar said it was there,his trusty mk1 eyeballs said no,so he pulled up and promptly got shot down...the body count in somalia would have been LESS RANGERS if they had gone out of their way to kill 'civilians'... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 2, 2004 I stated a fact that as a result of our handling foreign affairs and the way we treat the world as the reason that this was and is being "brought to us". I was presenting a fact, not an opinion. no,you were presenting a OPPINION... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 2, 2004 First off,I read "the speach", secondly your missing the point. And in terms of the number of innocent women and children being killed, who's lost more? Us as a result of them hijacking our planes or the Innocent Iraqi and Afghani women and children that had nothing to do with it by our bombs? Oh Yeah, that's right, I'm sorry, I forgot, their lives are not as important as the ones you mention (sarcasm implied)! Secondly you said, I haven't made up my mind that this country brought things on themselves. I stated a fact that as a result of our handling foreign affairs and the way we treat the world as the reason that this was and is being "brought to us". I was presenting a fact, not an opinion. And, I did not mention oppressing just the Saudi Arabians (who just so happen to be awfully friendly to the Bush family), I mentioned HOW WE TREAT THE WORLD. Remember Rumsfeld wouldn't meet with the German Foreign Minister because they refused to support the war. So we threaten sanctions. The British and Japanese, all we have to do is say jump and they'll say "How Heil" (pun intended). Your comment about the North Koreans? Hell, explain that one to me. All I am saying (once again), is that if we weren't in everybody else's business and minded our own we wouldn't be having these problems. You guys act like we don't have to pay for all of this, Wait till the money runs out... Foofighter (I mentioned HOW WE TREAT THE WORLD. Remember Rumsfeld wouldn't meet with the German Foreign Minister because they refused to support the war. So we threaten sanctions. The British and Japanese, all we have to do is say jump and they'll say "How Heil" (pun intended).) actually id have told the krauts to go take a flying leap thru a rolling donut....the Brits and the Japanese have a LOT OF TIMES NOT gone with us on things.. (Your comment about the North Koreans? Hell, explain that one to me.) the north koreans,oh hell guess you did not read about a little thinggy we had back in 1950,where they INVADED their neighbor........ (All I am saying (once again), is that if we weren't in everybody else's business and minded our own we wouldn't be having these problems.) in other words bury our head in the sand and hope the ANIMALS go away? or say pretty please we wont get involved,just leave us alone?.. (You guys act like we don't have to pay for all of this, Wait till the money runs out...) a LOT of guys HAVE PAID for this...thru the years it HAS been paid for,the REAL cost is to the ones DOING the work at the tip of the spear.once the very FIRST American Service Person dies,the 'cost' is TOO flipping high...the only question then becomes is it WORTH the PRICE,I would say it IS,HAS BEEN..WILL BE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Fates 65 Posted September 2, 2004 Yet we can maintain a free society only if we recognize that in a free society no one can win all the time. No one can have his own way all the time, and no one is right all the time. Author: Richard M. Nixon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 Yet we can maintain a free society only if we recognize that in a free society no one can win all the time. No one can have his own way all the time, and no one is right all the time. Author: Richard M. Nixon ole tricky dickie managed to piss off the dems and scare the crap out of the north vietnamese at same time..when he sent us into cambodia to go get the nva at THEIR bases and then the son tay raid he proved we could Win,if we'd been allowed to...what he did in the watergate thing seems like a prank these days.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foofighter 0 Posted September 3, 2004 Hey Scout, In your first response I asked for your insight on why this was happening. Your resonse, no you wouldn't,that's been made VERY clear..... I guess you used an assumption because you couldn't respond. If I wasn't interested I wouldn't have asked. In your second post you said the speech,I dont think you comprehended what WAS said..but thats ok,its your right see things that only you want to for the women and children,I stand by what I stated,Id rather say oppps than oh crap where thery get that??and being blunt,yes you are QUITE right their lives are NOT as Important as MY FAMILY,nor as important as the lives of the citizens of THIS country we live in..Mind you,before I get crap on this comment,their lives ARE important but to the extent of balancing their lives againgst FAMILY and Friends and Fellow Americans,they will come up short allways... etc. I comprehended the speech very well, and I think it is YOUR right to SEE things that only YOU want to see. As well as most of the members of this site. It certainly is obvious that most the posts are pro Republican, as such, most things that are posted here are going to be seen only the way that the person reading it wants to see it. You say your perceptions are right and I say they are wrong. In terms of the speech, I agreed with some of his statements and I disagreed with most. Kerry on the F-14 I thought was a bad vote on Kerry's part. In terms of lives. I don't care who it is, I think every life is equal. And let me add that a lot of innocent Iraqi civilians (men, women and children) were killed by us when there wasn't and still has not been ANY established link between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. And there still hasn't been any credible proof found that Iraq was a direct threat to the US, maybe Israel, but not us. In your third post you qouted me, I said, I stated a fact that as a result of our handling foreign affairs and the way we treat the world as the reason that this was and is being "brought to us". I was presenting a fact, not an opinion. Your response, no,you were presenting a OPPINION... I was and am stating a fact on this, our foreign "dictatorial" foreign policy is what is causing all this hatred towards us. You disagreed without answering the question when I asked for your insight on this. Referring back to your first response (which is linked to the this one) no you wouldn't,that's been made VERY clear..... You disagreed but when I asked for your insight on this for some reason you refused to answer? I'm curious, why do you think they hate us so much? In your fourth post you quoted a lot that I have all ready addressed above. Let's cover what's left. Your qoutes, actually id have told the krauts to go take a flying leap thru a rolling donut....the Brits and the Japanese have a LOT OF TIMES NOT gone with us on things.. If one country was against the whole idea I might have questioned it, but when Germany, France and Russia were against it I guess they were all wrong. The Brits and the Japanese will do our bidding no matter what. Next quote, the north koreans,oh hell guess you did not read about a little thinggy we had back in 1950,where they INVADED their neighbor........ Yea, And we lost 50,000 lives there and not including the cost of the war itself, we've had to sustain approximately 37,000 troops there in the DMZ for 60 years. ON CREDIT. And look what that has left us NOW with North Korea. Next quote, in other words bury our head in the sand and hope the ANIMALS go away? or say pretty please we wont get involved,just leave us alone?.. No, As I stated in my last post, leave these people alone and quit trying to CONTROL, COERCE, MANIPULATE AND BULLY THEM AND STAY OUT OF THEIR BUSINESS AND THEY WOULDN'T BE SO PISSED OFF AT US THAT THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US TO GET US OUT OF THEIR AFFAIRS! AND WE WOULDN'T BE PAYING FOR ALL OF THIS S#@T! We wouldn't have all of these threats and therefore wouldn't need to bankrupt ourselves worrying about security. Your last quote in response to my statement where I said, (You guys act like we don't have to pay for all of this, Wait till the money runs out...) You responded, a LOT of guys HAVE PAID for this...thru the years it HAS been paid for,the REAL cost is to the ones DOING the work at the tip of the spear.once the very FIRST American Service Person dies,the 'cost' is TOO flipping high...the only question then becomes is it WORTH the PRICE,I would say it IS,HAS BEEN..WILL BE If you read my previous posts I was referring to the cost not only in lives but dollars as well. A lot of lives are being lost unneccessarily at a financial cost that is bankrupting our country. 500 billion dollar annual deficits just can't continue. Bush has been running the gov at 500 billion a year deficits since he's been in office and this year they are projecting a 700-800 billion dollar deficit (for this year alone!). We don't have a blank check you guys. And our debt has become a more serious threat than anything else. If we can't afford the systems(ON CREDIT) that Mr. Miller mentioned in his speech because we have all ready bankrupted ourselves on previous and overcostly expenditures such as the B-2 how are we going to afford to defend ourselves in the future? Was the astronomical money spent on the B-2 (ON CREDIT) worth the results and does the current results of what it has accomplished so far justify the cost? It's called a "cost - benefit analysis". Once again, We can't afford to keep going in the direction that we are going financially. It's bankrupting us! 500 billion dollars a year deficits and $300.00 tax cuts? When we're in debt up to our asses? And as I said in a previous post in this thread... And we haven't even discussed the economy :D ! Have those $300.00 tax cuts really helped the economy? Lastly, And for all you French haters, don't forget that if they hadn't supported us during the revolution we would of lost. Compte de Grasse kept the British supply ships on a cat and mouse game that kept them from landing supplies and that's when the British folded. Foofighter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 And for all you French haters, don't forget that if they hadn't supported us during the revolution we would of lost. Compte de Grasse kept the British supply ships on a cat and mouse game that kept them from landing supplies and that's when the British folded. They have been VERY WELL paid for their favor.............twice if I recall,they didn't loose half the men helping us as we paid back in just the first day in utah and omaha beaches.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 guess you used an assumption because you couldn't respond. If I wasn't interested I wouldn't have asked gee I have not responded????????????????? wonder what other language I might require in order do it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 ANY established link between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. And there still hasn't been any credible proof found that Iraq was a direct threat to the US, maybe Israel, but not us. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk thats enough on that.....kind of like what the definition of 'is' is huh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 ANY established link between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. And there still hasn't been any credible proof found that Iraq was a direct threat to the US, maybe Israel, but not us. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk thats enough on that.....kind of like what the definition of 'is' is huh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 when Germany, France and Russia were against it yep,quite right..lets see those countries had a Lot of money in play there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 (edited) opps Edited September 3, 2004 by Scout_51 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 And we lost 50,000 lives there and not including the cost of the war itself, we've had to sustain approximately 37,000 troops there in the DMZ for 60 years. ON CREDIT. And look what that has left us NOW with North Korea. there IS a South with north korea,it was NOT the present administration that made a deal with the bad hair dude,it was the other one,they forgot the basic Regan principle,Trust BUT verify,THAT is how we got into the problem with the dude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 why do you think they hate us so much? Humm interesting question..maybe because we want to live in the 21st century rather than middle ages?...maybe because we DO have a choice of who we want to worship? could it be we ALL as Americans like living OUR life without decrees from the mullahs?or that we can go as we please(except bit weary in airplanes).could it be we can have these exchanges without EITHER of us having our door knocked at 0 dark thrity?..could it be our women can dress as they please and allow us the great eyeball liberty?..could it be GASP! that we CAN stand in a street corner and say Bush is a idiot?(he aint but I thought you might like the comment) and not have to worry bout being blindfolded and thrown off of a 3 story building? could it be that WE All can read ANYTHING we please?..then theres the little thing of If I want to go beardless and in walking shorts its ok? could it be that we trully dont like to be sheep lead to the mosque err the slaughter house?..could it be in our elections we CAN vote for whoever we feel like(unless you in florida and too dense to read instructions and punch thru)...could it be we dont believe in dying just to get some 70 virgins?..could it be.....oh hell could it be that they want us to SUBMMIT to THEIR religion?... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scout_51 0 Posted September 3, 2004 As I stated in my last post, leave these people alone and quit trying to CONTROL, COERCE, MANIPULATE AND BULLY THEM AND STAY OUT OF THEIR BUSINESS AND THEY WOULDN'T BE SO PISSED OFF AT US THAT THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US TO GET US OUT OF THEIR AFFAIRS! AND WE WOULDN'T BE PAYING FOR ALL OF THIS S#@T! billy clinton TRIED that approach for 8 yrs...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites