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Thought I'd pop by and say Hi

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Hello all


Ive been into combat sims since I was in my early teens...ie the orginal red baron, etc etc and as the years have passed Ive used Microsoft combat sim 3, just flight and all the usual named products....... then my attention was turned to ROF last year and even then it seemed like it was an incomplete game, released way to early and had to many teething issues..


Well in October I took the plunge and brought it thought it was brilliant to a point, career mode let it down in a big way, and not alot of ground action....ie soliders at the front, that was until last night I stumbled across OFF and I must say it looks a decent sim.. question is do I wait for phase 4 to be out or do I get it now...



The big question is what do you get ie planes to fly is it as good as ROF


Someone post some pics..... give me some guidance....



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Hi and welcome, okay as to ROF I have not owned and most likely never will. In short I have been playing flight sims for around 25 years and OFF is the best WW1 Flight sim I have seen or played... As to the Campaign it is one of the most dynamic campaigns I have ever seen flight sim or otherwise the frontlines move you see troops heading into battle you see artillery barrages gas barrages etc etc the amount of work the Dev's do amazes me even after I have been flying for a year most of the great war single seaters are in the game along with plenty of 2 seaters and people are asking for more 2 seaters... myself I have been flying the Sopwith Strutter most of the time, you can have personal skins as to pictures of whats happening I rarely take any but follow the link below




This is to the OFF site and everything in here is as we see it the youtube clips etc... The Pictures etc...


Others will reply to this as well with more information...


As to buying phase 4 hmmm we dont know when it is due out so personally I would buy phase 3 and HITR and then get some flying done... or even just Phase 3 so you can find out if you like it and then move up in stages... It is a marvellous piece of work also the guys on this forum are some of the best I have spoken to and have answers for most questions with regards to OFF.

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Hello all


Ive been into combat sims since I was in my early teens...ie the orginal red baron, etc etc and as the years have passed Ive used Microsoft combat sim 3, just flight and all the usual named products....... then my attention was turned to ROF last year and even then it seemed like it was an incomplete game, released way to early and had to many teething issues..


Well in October I took the plunge and brought it thought it was brilliant to a point, career mode let it down in a big way, and not alot of ground action....ie soliders at the front, that was until last night I stumbled across OFF and I must say it looks a decent sim.. question is do I wait for phase 4 to be out or do I get it now...



The big question is what do you get ie planes to fly is it as good as ROF


Someone post some pics..... give me some guidance....


1) Buy P3. You won't regret it.

2) If it's a proper career you want, OFF delivers in spades (commonly the kind used to bury your many dead pilots!)

3) Check out the feature link on the main OFF website, but these are the flyable planes 'out of the box' (without the HiTR add-on)


Bristol F2B

Bristol Scout


DH2 Late

Nieuport N11 "Bebe"

Nieuport N16

Nieuport N17

Royal Aircraft Factory Se5a - Hipsano engine

Royal Aircraft Factory Se5a - Viper engine

Sopwith Pup

Sopwith Triplane

Sopwith Triplane Twin Guns

Sopwith Camel

Spad VII



Allied 2 Seaters or Bombers:


Bristol F2B (bomber/reccy role)

Sopwith 1&1/2 Strutter 2 seater

Sopwith 1&1/2 Strutter single seater fighter/bomber variant

Royal Aircraft Factory FE2b

Royal Aircraft Factory RE8

Royal Aircraft Factory BE2C


German Single seaters:


Albatros DII

Albatros DIII early

Albatros DIII

Albatros DV early

Albatros DV

Albatros DVa

Albatros DVa 200 PS

Fokker DR1

Fokker DVII


Fokker DVIIF

Fokker EIII

Halberstadt DII

Pfalz DIIIa


German 2 seaters or bombers:



Hannover CL IIIa

Roland CII Walfisch


4) No, it's better than ROF (IMHO)

5) Check out the screen shots thread

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Over Flanders Fields: Between Heaven & Hell / Hat in the Ring (expansion) screenshots



I've personally made about 100 Over Flanders Fields High Definition movies if you'd like to see what some of the flying can be like. Be sure to pause the movie, select 1080 HD, let the red bar at the bottom fill up (the buffer) and then press Play again so you won't get any pauses while watching.




It's an incredibly friendly and informative forum. OFF is an historically accurate WWI flight sim and there are plenty of folks around here who know their history, so if you have any technical or historical questions, this is the place to ask them.


Some other fun features of the our Over Flanders Fields community is we have a "Reports from the Front" thread where people share their experiences, a "Dead is Dead - Campaign Standard" thread for people who fly Over Flanders Fields under a certain set of rules to make the experience as realistic as possible. I also highly recommend the "OFF Help Topics" thread and the "Survival in the Air" thread (you'll need it).


I wouldn't recommend waiting to buy Phase 4. The Devs assure us it is still a very long ways off in the future. They have teased with a few screen shots though and it certainly looks that the future of OFF is going to be bright with more historical accuracy, planes to fly and immersion. If I were you, I'd buy Over Flanders Fields:Between Heaven & Hell (which is the current Phase 3 or "P3") and the Hat in the Ring expansion which adds a few more planes and a lot of features, including unique skins for your planes.



Edited by Hellshade

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Welcome, swampey! The guys have answered everything, I think. If you want the really deep immersion,

good campaigns, then "Over Flanders Fields" should be right for you. So many Squadrons, Escadrilles

and Jasta to choose from - I don't "play" anything else, since I have it.

Although "to play" is somehow wrong: OFF is not a game, I keep telling all newbies.

(Although you will find plenty of possible settings in the "workshops" menue to make it easier for a start.)


Oh, and if it was me - I couldn't wait for P4; I'd get it. I don't believe the devs have already an end of their works

in sight for P4; so I don't think it would appear this year.

(That's only just my personal feeling - I am not involved).

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Hi swampey, I'm too a RoF owner and share the same impression as you...

Great graphics and physics engine but hollow inside... :dntknw:

For the last month or so I found myself lurking here at OFF Forum almost every day and finaly last week, after the encouragment of OFF's GREAT community, :good: ...

I took the plunge myself and ordered P3, even if I was having second thoughts about the delivery by mail in EU.

I'll get the HitR expantion just after the game arrives safely in my hands.

I hope for the best.



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Hi Swampey,


I can only concur with m'learned friends above.


OFF finally persuaded me to remove RB3D from my machine, as well as First Eagles. Initially, I didn't 'get' OFF because I'd managed to botch the setup and because I simply wasn't used to the interface, and it took me a little time to figure it all out, but now that I have, it runs acceptably well on my poxy old rig, so I'd guess that on your system - which I note can run ROF - it should look absolutely beautiful, and run even better than that.


Like Olham, I pretty much gave up on anything else once I got into OFF, and once you've mastered the flying/fighting side of it and got a pilot with considerable hours under his belt, you'll sweat blood and become horribly engrossed. If you have a partner and children, I'd advise that you keep a picture of them handy, so you'll have less difficulty remembering who they are when you stop playing....


And if you get P3, do get Hat in the Ring: it's well worth it.




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I have just had a quick check on the OFF website at the price of OFF, and for less than $50 + P&P you can get both Between Heaven and Hell and the Hat in the Ring expansion. I thought BH&H was good value when it came out priced $60 + P&P 2 years ago, it is now an excellent bargain.


Just a couple of things:


1) if you only have the CD version of CFS3 I would recommend getting the DVD version as you will not need the DVD in the drive to play BH&H or HITR.


2) If you do not already have it get TrackIR, it is a great device and a lot easier to look around your aircraft than using the CFS3 views.


Also I would recommend viewing a few of Hellshade's excellent video's which show BH&H off to its full potential.




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A few years ago, just after I had put together my new (at the time) computer, I went looking for the necessary files to install and get RB3D Full Canvas Jacket and/or Hell's Angels mod running on my system. While looking for files, stumbled across a reference to OFF phase 3.


The rest is history...


Welcome to OFF, you won't regret it!

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A few years ago, just after I had put together my new (at the time) computer, I went looking for the necessary files to install and get RB3D Full Canvas Jacket and/or Hell's Angels mod running on my system. While looking for files, stumbled across a reference to OFF phase 3.



Lmao, that's exactly how I got into OFF last year.


Swampy, if you like Red Baron 3D then OFF is the next step up the ladder. Go browse the Reports from the Front, DiD, and Survival in the Air threads. Read the after action reports, have a look at the flying manuals written for various aircraft, you'll see what I mean.




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Welcome to the OFF forums Swampey. As others have said here already, take the plunge and make the purchase. If you liked RB3D you will LOVE this sim. Also, new guys buy the drinks!









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