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Hi all and ~S!!


I was wondering if someone might be able to whip out a quick skin. I am looking for a fictional F-86 for the IAF. I recently found one for the F-100 and that got my wheels turning. No rush, I am looking at blanks and Dhimari skins to tweak, but I am not a skinner. If anyone is gonna pick it up lemme know and thank you!!



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AWSOME!!!!!! They are perfect. Thank you Wrench for doing these and thank you HGBN for pointing to that website. I had been al over it for pilot skins but had forgotten the A/C skins on there lol.





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You're welcome :good:

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Also, upon heading over to place them in my folders, I noticed that the skins were not just skins, but full on a/c mods for this one and I also did the same for the F-14 and F-100D in Isreali colors. Wrench went ahead and fixed everything that would need to be fixed and all you have to do is download and drop the whole thing into your a/c directory!!!! Just plain cool Wrench! Woulda never found it though if it weren't for HGBN, so again credit to him and a HUGE thank you lol.



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I couldn've sworn I'd Uploaded the IDF Sabre and Hun here at one point ... ??? (btw, there's an IDF Tomcat floating around somewhere's too)


Wrench went ahead and fixed everything that would need to be fixed and all you have to do is download and drop the whole thing into your a/c directory


That's how I roll, baby!! :lol:


and, you're very welcome!



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Oh Yeah! I share your taste in F-86 warpaint severely.





Do you have the Isrealy Pilots?


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Oh Yah!

I was checking to see if our brother here had the airplane drivers to go with his needs.

And again I can not confirm nor deny and make any comment about IDF pilots flying missions in Dhimari aircraft.

Awesome pilot skins. Almost all the movies are covered. Perhaps Santa can give us a Dieter Dengler skin.

V/R All, CL

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Hey Wrench?


I got the F-86 ones to work, but the F-14 and F-100 are jacked up. I am trying to run them in WOI. The F-100 shows up, but there is no cockpit for in plane view and no airplane in external view. F-14 isn't even showing up in the plane list. I followed the same instructions as the F-86 one, which I had no problems with. I trouble shot a few times and am fairly sure I did it correctly. Any clues?



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Regarding the F-100... There is no F-100 in WOI so you need to extract and import the F-100 from one of the other games

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Neither were designed for use in WoI -- look at the dates of the ini and readme; they predate WoI. All the screenies were probably taken is SF1, over Gepards Isreal2 terrain


As I don't mod 1stGens anymore (other than the occasional WW2 thingy), my only suggestion would be as Henrick said ... export all the needed bits from SF/WoV/WoE and bring them over.


As to the Turkey... ???? :dntknw: I don't even have WoI installed anymore, but I"d suggest doublechecking the folder and main ini names -- they must match exactly



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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