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Some of you who know me from here know that I am a Voodoo fanatic. Well, myself and Pat (mostly Pat) from f-106deltadart.com have created a new website dedicated to the F-101 voodoo. I has lots of great info and pictures and such. No forum as of yet, but the site is up and running. For those of you who are interested, check it out here...



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Nice - good use of Tabs - you have a formatting issue in the AMARC tab you may want to check

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Great stuff.


The F-106 website has always been a favorite.


One suggestion. Ya'll are using Joe's 101 articles. He is generally the best on the net for so amazingly many US aircraft. I would put his name and link to his site at the top, beginning each 101 article...ie...


F-101A etc...

by Joe Baugher

-link- ~> http://www.joebaugher.com/oldseriesfighters.html




(I suggest that specific link for all articles so the reader can see what Joe offers for US fighters beyond F-101)



When I use other mens' and womens' writings, I push the author onto "stage" in front of every reader as soon as the curtain rises.




Also, you might edit Joe's format of aircraft data, making the data line by line items instead of one large hard to reference paragraph of words and numbers.


-- aahhh, you already did that. Awsum!! Sorry!!

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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Hi guys. Yes, the F-101 site is up, but in its early birth with a lot of work left on it and lots of tweaking after that.


What is different with the Voodoo site is more interaction by you all the visitors. You may have already seen the photo galleries. Anyone is allowed to upload photo's, patches etc, but you need the logon account (there is only one for guests) to use. I'd rather not not post the account in the open, but if you send me an email or PM I will give it to you.


I'm working on the F-101 Squadron pages now with a database of units. This too will be somewhat interactive where you can add units to the database and they will be dynamically added to the list.


I've been a great fan of Joe Baugher for years and will continue to credit him as up-front as I can where needed. In order to get the site to a point where we could start working with it on-line the current pages have been put together using his data with a little change in format only. As Delta6Actual and I go through updating the site we will make changes in content based on new data as we research it. I will continue to give Joe credit on each page as a main source of data and info, but probably not list him as the 'author' as the pages will definitely change.


As Delta6Actual I'm sure has already mentioned, any and all photo's, data, info are welcome... encouraged!

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