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Will I get a performance increase with Windows Seven and DX10?

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Hi all,


I'm sorry if this question has already been answered, but I have to go to bed and can't look right now! :no: I just got Windows Seven Pro 64bit for Christmas and am going to be installing it over my current Windows XP Pro 64bit OS. I was wondering if I'll get a noticeable increase in performance using DX10 or 11 with Win 7 Pro, since SF2 was built for DX10. Here are my computer specs:


Intel Core 2 Duo 8400 at 3.61Ghz


Nvidia GTX 260 896MB memory


Windows XP Professional


Samsung SyncMaster 2233SW 1920-1080 Res monitor.


My GPU was built for DX10 and using it with DX9 seems to be slowing it down currently so I am upgrading.


If you guys can give me any pointers/advise for SF2 in Win 7 I would really appreciate that! :grin:


Thanks so much!


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:good: With your hardware you should see significant performance improvement under Win 7! Just make sure that you have UseAdvancedShaders=1 set in Options.ini and that detail level is set at least to HIGH to enable DX10. Also remember that mods for SF2 series are installed in a different folder than under Win XP. (usually c:\Users\Username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFIghters2 XXXX

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I have 4GB of DDR3 RAM. Sorry, I forgot to mention that! :L

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Win7 64 OS uses more RAM than XP OS. Most places will tell you that for Win7 64, you need at least 6 GB of RAM, and preferably 8 GB of RAM to operate really effectively. I have 12 GB of RAM with my Win7 64 so I sould never have any memory problems :good:.

Edited by Panama Red

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Oh, I believe 4GB of RAM is enough for gaming these days. Unless you're using you're PC for 3Dmax stuff or encoding movies or crunching numbers or other "scientific" stuff....

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Besides one time I compared free memory available under WIn 7 32 bit and 64 bit and I had more under 64 bit! Although 64 bit windows itself was "eating" slightly more RAM than 32 bit, at least I had access to full 4GB instead of 3.2 GB like with 32 bit. :grin:

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8gb is over kill on RAM. 4GB is the industry standard currently I believe. Some games can't handle 6+ GB of RAM. I just upgraded from 2 to 4gb and still have 2+ GB of available RAM.

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The most RAM that any single 32-bit application can be allocated, is 2048 mb, or 2 gb.

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Apparently, SF2 series *.exe files have LAA flag set to 1 :blink:.

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Thanks so much guys! My frame rates have doubled after installing Win 7.


Thanks for the advice!


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Overall I'm just glad I moved on to Win7 regardless, life has been so much less painful in this regards...

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