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Alive and Well

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This is my first post on this site and I'm from Trinidad in the Caribbean. My country was spared from one of the worst Hurricanes ever. Some of our neighbours in the region weren't so fortunate. I just hope it dosen't do any more damage to anyone.

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glad to hear you came thru it allright..bet that was a pain..I been thru a few hurricanes myself,Do understand

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Good to see you're okay Faust! Unfortunately, Ivan is getting bigger and stronger and looks to be heading to western Cuba and Florida. :(

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Welcome Faust!


Yep, Ivan is soon to head towards the US. I live just north of Atlanta, GA, and we're expecting a lot of wind and rain as a result.


Batten down the hatches!


Navy Chief

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Yeah! We have a flood watch, tornado watch, and Tropical Storm Warning here in Tallahassee.


And T.K. Wetherell (President of Florida State University) has refused to cancel classes. But I skipped my night class anyway, because FSU floods from 2 inches of rain, and we will be getting that shortly.


At least Ivan changed his track, 3 days ago it was supposed to come right into Tally...


2 deaths from tornado's already reported in Bay County FL. This could get really nasty...


EDIT: I went home to Melbourne this past weekend, and the Space Coast is not looking to hot. Power is still out from Cocoa Beach south, and many homes were damaged including 2 of my neighbors (roof's collapsed)... THANK YOU FRANCES!

Edited by snapple2993

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Thanks for the warm welcome m8s. This is a nice site and I think I'll stay. :P

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