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can someone please help me find a good web site to get dem information I have search the web for the last 48 HR without any luck. I need a dem information ( Digital elevation model ) about the Arabia Gulf


with Iran to help me create a new terrain.








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Just sayin but Wrench is in the process of redoing the Iran terrain but hey....

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HI pureblue thanks a lot for teh site :drinks: and EricJ I didn't know about Wrench work. but thanks for the inforamtion that saved me the time :salute:

see I am thinking of making the GCC map with iran for teh upcaming war :good: (in this game)

Edited by umm

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Gepard is also doing a Persion Gulf terrain ... covering from the straits of Hormuz, all the way north to above Ahwaz.


Check the 1stGen Mods and Skinning chat, you'll find a whole thread on it.



kevin stein

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Gepard is also doing a Persion Gulf terrain ... covering from the straits of Hormuz, all the way north to above Ahwaz.


Check the 1stGen Mods and Skinning chat, you'll find a whole thread on it.



kevin stein


Thanks kevin for the information:drinks: it's just I am having a hard time using the forum as I just found out I need to set the forum to show me more the last 90 days. :dntknw:



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OK I have several questions. I am using TK's Terrain Editor and i have managed to created the map, but every time start the Autotexture i keep getting this error:


the only cat file that work for me is the GermanyCE but i need to have the desert terrain to experiment with. so my quitions are.


1. is there are any Texturetileset for SFP2?


2. I now that there are Texturetileset for SFP1 but are they (the files) the one that comes with the TK's Terrain Editor?


I have been fallowing Gepard tutorials.


I have more question but they can wait.




Thanks gentlemen for your help and please excuse my English as it's my second </SPAN></SPAN> langue








post-54230-036269900 1293971726.jpg

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The TE will stop working for no apparant reason, at random times. It's just one of those things.


The Deserttexturelist is in the Desert terrain editor. Rememver == ther are 2 TE's, one for SF/Desert only, and one for WoV/E/I (and used for FirstEagles, too)


Be advised --- of the aftermarket desert tiles availble, NONE match perfectly with what's stock. The transitions WILL all be different (most notable, the 25 & 75 % tiles). Now, the stock Desert set IS readily available ... you'll just have to scroung through ALL the terrain downloads (1st & NextGen) to find them. HINT: think like a geographer -- what regions of the world would use the stock Desert set?????


The texturelist ini for ALL 1st & NextGEns are the same (as are the tiles themselves)


You CAN use the desert tile & texturelist IN the WoV/E/I TE, but you MUST import ALL the desert tiles. It's reccomended that you use a SEPERATE TE for that, as opposed to having everthing in one unmanagable TE install. You'll see in the screenie below, how many I'm running ... in particular, the Indo-Pak, Iran/Iraq, KAW -- all have their OWN terrain-specific tile sets imported. So what you see on the TE's 'view texture tiles' is what you'll see in game.


The TE is the absolute most diffucult to use of all the editors .. it's not intuative at ALL! It has many functions that were/will never be activited, the max zoom of 3200 is at least half would it should be. Be prepared for a very frustrating, head-banging, ball-busting experience. I'm not even gonna mention TOD creation, or having to create NEW tiles to fill in the blanks so prevelant....


It is also the most rewarding finished product that can be shared -- for what good are all these fancy toys the aircraft and vehicle 3D Guys ™ turn out, if there's no Playground for them?



kevin stein

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Wrench, Did you ever see this, or is my TE unique?


TK fluffed the zoom calling code. The max 3200 zoom is under the "1600" label, and the 1600 zoom is under the "3200" label. To get max zoom, click the 1600.

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All the time .... it's just one of them thangs.



kevin stein

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The TE will stop working for no apparant reason, at random times. It's just one of those things.


The Deserttexturelist is in the Desert terrain editor. Rememver == ther are 2 TE's, one for SF/Desert only, and one for WoV/E/I (and used for FirstEagles, too)


Be advised --- of the aftermarket desert tiles availble, NONE match perfectly with what's stock. The transitions WILL all be different (most notable, the 25 & 75 % tiles). Now, the stock Desert set IS readily available ... you'll just have to scroung through ALL the terrain downloads (1st & NextGen) to find them. HINT: think like a geographer -- what regions of the world would use the stock Desert set?????


The texturelist ini for ALL 1st & NextGEns are the same (as are the tiles themselves)


You CAN use the desert tile & texturelist IN the WoV/E/I TE, but you MUST import ALL the desert tiles. It's reccomended that you use a SEPERATE TE for that, as opposed to having everthing in one unmanagable TE install. You'll see in the screenie below, how many I'm running ... in particular, the Indo-Pak, Iran/Iraq, KAW -- all have their OWN terrain-specific tile sets imported. So what you see on the TE's 'view texture tiles' is what you'll see in game.


The TE is the absolute most diffucult to use of all the editors .. it's not intuative at ALL! It has many functions that were/will never be activited, the max zoom of 3200 is at least half would it should be. Be prepared for a very frustrating, head-banging, ball-busting experience. I'm not even gonna mention TOD creation, or having to create NEW tiles to fill in the blanks so prevelant....


It is also the most rewarding finished product that can be shared -- for what good are all these fancy toys the aircraft and vehicle 3D Guys ™ turn out, if there's no Playground for them?



kevin stein


Thanks for the detailed information and I will try to find the correct Terrain editor. :good:


Take care,





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Thank you all for your help. I will try it out as soon as I can. :drinks:

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I need some help please. I have managed to get my map loaded and I have flown my first time over my new terrain. but i have two things that I need someone to clarify thing for me.


1. after i get my map what do I do to correct the mater line I know this is what I have to do"(BY THE WAY: If you fly a test mission over water, you will see, that something looks strange. The water is white. The reason is that the TE had overwritten the Kashmir_DATA.ini file with an old (incompatible) version. Thatswhy i told you in LESSON 1 to put your Kashmir_DATA.ini into your backup folder. Now its time to fetch it back to get back the blue water of the rivers and the sea. And this you must do every single time when you has saved something with the TE.) thank to Gepard


but what i am having a hard time with is do i replace all the file with the old one or there is some particular inks that i need to copy from the backup file to the new one?


2. making the airfield do I first crate it as a land then have it leveled for the airfield? and if so then i need to copy the X & Y for it and add it to the _targets_proto.ini file correct?

please understand that I have been reading a lot and I have been trying for the last 4 days to get it right but somehow I need help to understand this part .


Thanks for you help my friend.








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you need to create a *terrain-name*_citylist.ini, where in you list all the 'cities' (ie: target areas, including airfields)



if you have cities that DON"T need flattening, you can list only the airfields (as outlined in another of my posts somewhere in the KB)


The data ini MUST list ALL terrain tiles ... even if they aren't used. This is generated off the terrain texturelist ini. If you have an incomplete texturelist, you will have an incomplete data in, and an incomplete terrain.

Which means rebuilding it BY HAND, in the "Edit Texture Map List" function. I've had to that tooo many f-ing times.


If, as you say, you have a backup copy of the data ini, and the number of tiles listed equals the number of tiles in the textureset ini, you can just copy/paste the ENTIRE section that starts with the 1st tile listing (usually the SEA1), all the way to the end. That should bring things back. You may have to re-generate the TFD, just to be safe. The TFD not only stores all the tile data, but the order they appear in, as listed in the textureset ini


Told ya this was a f***ing nightmare, eh??


EDIT: also, to make life just a biiiiit easier, you'll probably want to paint you transition tiles IN the Terrain Editor, as seen in my screenie below. Each color represents a different tile transiton type.



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Yes you are correct it’s a f***ing nightmare. :ok:


OK I think I see what I was missing I have created the City list that is done thanks. :drinks: I will try to search more with regards to the Airport and ground object.


One question


“EDIT: also, to make life just a biiiiit easier, you'll probably want to paint you transition tiles IN the Terrain Editor, as seen in my screenie below. Each color represents a different tile transiton type.”


Do I do that within the TE? If so then how do I do that?




Many thanks for your help and support, it really means a lot to me.:good:


Take care,





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for the tiles you use IN the terrain editor; the ones you physically place on the map. I just paint a line across whichever angle is sits at. Expecially usefull for 25,50,75 transitions. Even MORE helpful for the damn pesky 3-way transitions (city-sea2-farm, etc)

Don't do this for the one's that will be sitting in the terrain folder, in the game itself. It'll look realllly funny...!!!


examples below (from teh Iran/Irag map)



kevin stein

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LOL yes that will be funny :grin: Thanks for the inforamtion. :drinks:


One more thing


What Location=1 or 2 stand for in the _TARGETS.INI



Edited by umm

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OK two more question


1. In the airports there are trees around and in the middle of the runway. I have flatten the area around the airfield and am still getting tress. isn't correct that if you flatten the area it should be what you choose it to be for example city then it will be a city? I have chosen farm for the airbase and then desert but all the time I get grain area and trees. there is something not correct that I am doing.


2. When do I use the transition textures function?


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Location 1 = Friendly

Location 2 = Enemy


those are the 2 basic 'nations', regardless of nation name (ie: South Korea -1, North Korea -2) Common knowledge has always been you must have both sides defined, and both sides must have a least 1 airbase. (the only oddity I've seen so far is the Afghanistan terrain; it seems to work just fine without Taliban air bases ... as long as you don't try and fly for the Red Side ... otherwise, CTD.


those can also be further elaborated in the terrains' Nations.ini, further splitting them in various location. Example, from the Libya map (which may not be the perfect example, as there's only on EnemyNation defined)








Location006=Mediterranean Sea


The location defines, mostly, what shows up in the debrief and Medal Awards screen. (ie: Capt Smith is awarded the Air Force cross for heroic action over Tunisia)

The other locations are defined and Firendly or Enemy in the targets ini Alignment line


GermanyCE would be the best, due to both NATO/WarPac forces being present, and all the associated nations:



TheaterName=Central Europe

Location001=West Germany

Location002=East Germany




Location006=East Berlin






Location012=West Berlin


as for the trees issue, you need to have 'clear' airfiled zones, with tiles that have no TODs associated with them. On the Desert map, this was no problem, as all the airfields were on Desert1 or Desert2 tiles, that have no associated TODs (these have the terrain buildings and trees in them)


The VietnamSEA, and IsraelME tilesets include "AB" tiles (read: AirBase)

IIRC, they are:










I don't recall if the stock Germany tileset has them ... my installs are so modded, with various new transions and other 'specific use' tiles that I've created -- so Germany may not have one. Don't forget, NONE of the stock terrains really come with large amounts of trees on them.


What I do for transitions, is 'auto texture', THEN auto texture the transitions. Then, spend days upon days upon days retiling by hand to the get the shape, type and tile I want IN the place I want it. So, expect to go crosseyed, and eventually quite mad :crazy: (love that English term!) for the next several months.


Basic Rule of Thumb: Tile EVERYTHING first; sea/land, farm/mountain, etc --all main and transitions tiles FIRST. Then, start going over every square centimeter of the map, hand placing the needed tiles for the various cities, farms, roads, rivers and airbases.

Once the terrain is fully tiled ... then the real fun begins.


Populating it with region-specific target areas



kevin stein

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Thank a lot kevin, you are really a good man my friend :drinks:


Take care and good night.


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