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Cody Coyote

Multiple Claims Question

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I didn't see this addressed in the knowledge base...


If you are fortunate enough to shoot down two or more aircraft in the same dogfight, is it better to combine all of the downed craft in a single claim or write a separate claim for each one?


I notice that the claim form allows you to enter multiples in a single claim but I wondered what happens if one claim is confirmed and the other is not. Does OFF give you credit for one and not the other, or does it reject both if they are combined in a single claim?

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It is better to claim each aircraft seperately, even if they are the same type.

I checked my claim confirms some time ago and found, that from three claims of the same fight,

two got confirmed, and one rejected. Had I written them all into one line, they might have all been lost.

Make sure you write the names of your wingmen down before the start, so you can write them in.


And never use semicolons in a claim. The program can't read it to end then, and they will never get confirmed.

Edited by Olham

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Thanks, very helpful; especially the part about semi-colons!


Is it best to list the witness names first, then write a short synopsis, or simply refer to them in the narrative of the text?

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The witness names belong into the top frame/line first. No ranks; first name and family name.

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I always put in the Jasta or RFC I was up against...plus the name of any ace I shot down....I did have eight claims rejected and thats because I used the wrong witness name (I right click copy my wingmans name when I first access a particular career, keeping an eye out if he gets injured goes on leave or dies.) I used another pilots wingmans (from the wrong career) name by mistake...I was gutted...

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I keep a small written log book of my wingmen, but I forget details like the time and exact location of the fight; things that in real life you could ask someone about after you landed but in OFF you can't go back and get once you reach the claim stage.


Although I've followed OFF since before it was even called that, it's only been in the last couple of months that I've gotten a computer powerful enough to actually play it. As a result I am a new flier to the game. I'm running through pilots quite fast as all of my dogfights seem to be at tree top level and whatever plane I'm flying never seems to handle as well as the AI, resulting in me mostly crashing while trying to do any sort of maneuver (no chance to recover when that low). If I can ever make it out of 1916 I may get a more nimble craft. The statement that OFF has a big learning curve is very true.


One thing that I can't figure out, when coming out of warp occasionally my engine will quit. It usually takes 5 or 6 tries to get it to refire and stay running. This has happened with at least three different aircraft types and almost always at high altitudes. It doesn't happen every time and only when coming out of warp as I say. Any particular reason for this?

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Never had that engine problem.


For my sorties, I have a red-black China notebook.

Before I leave the briefing window, I note my wingmen as well as A-flight's names;

then the mission type, takeoff time and mission target, like: balloon base 616, E-NE of Lens.

When I shot a craft down, I check the time, and the location in the map, and note that as soon as I can.

In my claims, I use those data.


Cody, are you in the OFF Pilots Maps already? If not, please send me a PM with your town and state,

and I'll add you there.

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Hey Cody, great that you can now get OFF up and running.

In 1916, if you try a Strutter as soon as they are available (April-May I think), you will mostly be fighting Eindeckers for the next few months. The Strutter is faster and turns better + you have a rear gunner to watch your 6 (and he's a good shot!), so you can better concentrate on staying out of the trees! :grin:

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Theoretically if you were running fine@6000, and exited Warp @12000 you're gonna stall




That could well explain it as I am virtually positive that it only happens after warping from a lower altitude and coming out somewhere above 10K feet.

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Another method besides Auto mix would be to set the (In the Work shop)altitude to mid range say 10000ft. Taliho is right about the 1 1/2 er very stable easy flyer. However on the other side the Albatross D-2 seems very nice and pilot friendly. Just my 2 cents. Have fun.

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Normally an engine will stall, and be a devil to restart due to improper mixture

Theoretically if you were running fine@6000, and exited Warp @12000 you're gonna stall


For now try Auto Mixture in Workshop, just one less thing to be concerned with


I think you nailed it - that must be the reason.

But the method of flying Auto-Mixture won't help there - it happens anyway.

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That why Mongo no like warp. Mongo like CTRL+SHIFT+E to go faster, and CTRL+SHIFT+R to slow back down. This let Mongo still maintain control but go zoom-zoom through time. Actually, Mongo no use these anymore either because he like to fly full real, but when Mongo learning OFF he use these lots.


Mongo like OFF...and candy.



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Would be nice to be able to fly like Mungo all the time, but unfortunately two-seater missions are often so long that only zoom-zoom through time makes it possible to fly them. Fortunately zoom-zoom does not cause big problems for me. :cool:

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Hear, hear! Ye of bad warp experiences.


Take Brother Lou's advice if you need to save real-time without losing control (of your kite ... or even, your pilot!) :good:

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Yes, that time acceleration does have some advantages; no more stalled engines for one. I've noticed too that like warp, you can't do it when enemies are in the area. I've mapped a couple of keys on my stick to handle it (although I've got to pay attention to what I'm doing or I'll crash into the ground 16x faster!).

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Lou, one thing for sure - IF one has the time, a real time, full flight is finest.

And if I even fly by map - it's an even greater event altogether.

But sometimes time is short...

Edited by Olham

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When feeling lazy I just write in the claim box what Jasta or RFC they were and that they crashed...still get them confirmed on the hardest claim setting....I add more for my own immersion.

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Yes, I think, so far the claim form can just compare, if the wingmen names are right,

and it "knows", if the witnesses were close enough. It also "knows" the type and number

of aircraft you shot down.

So I often had fights, where all wings got shot down. Then it doesn't help to write them in.

I think you don't even get a claim form at all then.


Winder asked some time ago, how we fill in claims, and that made me think, that he will try

to create and build an "intelligent" claims form, which can really check all our facts.

It must be a difficult thing to do, and I hope he would be successful (if he really does it),

because that would make an incredible immersion factor.

Edited by Olham

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And it's all about the immersion around this place!




P4 dev team posed for photo while working on new features to be included in upcoming release.


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The guy at the gun must be OvS; the guy standing on the left looks a teaser - could be Pol then?

Winder in the cockpit - and the guy standing at the right looks like a "Shredder" to me.

Edited by Olham

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