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Britain says goodbye to Nimrod

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how does a country continue with military cuts during a war? (even if it's overseas)

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Next question its just a government that wants to save money and is doing it the wrong way round they should quit paying those too lazy to work before attacking the military...


Also as they want Trident to keep going longer than planned it seems not having the cover for them with Nimrods in deep water means it will tie up the new SSN's which will cost more in the long term... Also as we are an island we need a decent Maritime Patrol Aircraft as helo's are limited to 200 miles etc even for the Merlin... What people don't realise is that the Nimrod was used to cover the Oil Rigs aid in Search and rescue out in the deep ocean where helo's cannot get to etc. Retasking an E-3 to do this role is stupid as we have barely any of them. Granted the Nimrod MR4 was a waste of money when we could have bought the new MPA from the states for less money and get a good upgrade in terms of equipment and then tailor it to accept Stingray and even Storm Shadows... Rant over...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Next question its just a government that wants to save money and is doing it the wrong way round they should quit paying those too lazy to work before attacking the military...

Maybe they should've made sure there are actual jobs available so people do not have to go unemployed. I hear unemployment is only due to laziness and nothing else.

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No its a culture that has built up in the UK with people living on the Government money and never having worked because they cannot be bothered to work as they have seen that their parents never worked and grew up in council estates etc and see it as an easy live... for me it just part of the problems of living in the UK and all the other problems. Which is why I now live and work in Vienna.

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But not limited to chav culture.

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WTF They are giving up the brand new MR4 too ? WTF a thousand times !

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Well the 9 airframes are refurbished from the MR2A which is a refurbish of the MR1 some of these airframes are old. Also each one is unique. Granted I don't like the idea of this as they spent 4 Billion pounds on them. But Britain as an Island nation needs a Maritime patrol plane to cover her shores and the deep ocean areas also they are useful overland as well.


So why they didn't just bite the bullet and by the P-8's instead I don't know, well I do actually BAe Chairmen is friendly with certain members of parliment so its back handers all the way. As to them being brand new this is a fallacy the computers on board are from the 90's.


The fact that they are already being scrapped so shortly after the decision makes me wonder why though...


RAF should buy 20 P-8's at 160 million a pop and as its based on the 737 parts for them would be cheap, well after they add the extra 0 to the part costs... still be cheaper than parts for a Nimrod which would have to be hand made...


Love the idea that they say its okay we can cover the job they do with an E-3 or Type-23 Frigate or Merlin Helo... granted the E-3 can do the surface surveillance job but thats a crazy idea as the RAF only has 8 of them and using the C-130 well it can go look and talk and drop freight on them but thats it. The RAF/RN need a dedicated Maritime patrol plane for the area they need to cover... its getting like the Aircraft Carriers they can have them just no Jets to fly from them...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Another great plane laid to rest on the chopping block of budget cuts. I ask ya is there no end to this madness? :mad:

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