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A Century of Naval Aviation

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From the San Diego Union-Tribune:


"In what Navy officials are calling a once-in-a-lifetime show, the air wing from the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis will fly in formation over San Diego Bay. The formation will consist of 35-40 planes and is expected to nearly fill the sky overhead. The planes involved -F/A-18 Hornets and Super Hornerts, EA-6B Prowlers, E-2C Hawkeyes and one C-2 Greyhound-, are all of the aircraft that normally travel with a carrier."


Too cool. I'm going to hang out on my deck, and watch then go by. And, it's my birthday. It's nice of the Navy to help me celebrate!! :HB:

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First off, Happy Birthday!


Second, I've been following this and the paint schemes that have shown up are awesome. Most are WWII era, but a few have gotten the 1930s colors.


Can't wait to see the pics that will undoubtedly come forth.



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Thanks, Storm.

I'm looking forward to seeing some pics, too.

The more I think about it, I may have ride down to the bay.

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Just got home from SD here's a couple of pics, one is of HA(L)-3 from which the Navy's CSAR/SPECWAR helo squadrons HAL-4/5 HCS-4/5 and HSC-84 descended from...

Seawolf 321 HA(L)-3

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Redwolf 202 HSC-84

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Also, HSC-85 who will take on HCS-5's mission in the near future provided the helos that the Leap Frogs used in their jumps.

The airshow was as awesome as it could get and a lot of retirees felt for a few hours young again. It's amazing that lifers like me put in at least 20 years of our lives in this first hundred. If I could do it over again or go back right now,I'd be there in an New York minute.

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Oh yeah, Turtlehawk, happy belated birthday, I hope you got a chance to see the celebration.

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I've looked through the pictures posted over at Fencecheck and was a bit disapointed in the lack of variety. Most units opted for the Pacific blue schemes. I was really hoping to see an Atlantic ASW grey scheme. Additionally, none of the special marked P-3s showed up.


All in all, it was still awesome.



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Storm, here's your retro P-3C...

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Was talking to the crew who said that along with the bird's paint job they wear VP-9's old school patch on Friday, or as they said "Retro Friday". As for some Atlantic paints, the SBD that flew over was painted that way. Unfortunately, my camera decided at that time to zoom in when it felt like it so I lost a lot of shots.


All that said this was on helluva airshow, the bridge from SD to NAS NI was complete gridlock, fortunately since I'm retired Navy I got in through the gate by the runway. Took the grandson and wife with me and introduced them to some of my old Shipmates. The look on the boys face when I told him the HH-60H that he was looking at and touching was one that I had actually worked on and flew in was priceless. If he didn't want to be in Naval Aviation before I think he is starting to get the bug now.

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Thanks for the retro Orion shot. Going off what was available online, I got the impression none had showed.


Glad you made it. I wanted to go, but we're in an ORE and I got stuck here.



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Storm, glad you liked the shots, there was a P-3 in the fly by also, however my camera decided that it was going to zoom when it wanted too so I missed a lot of shots. That said if I was f'ing with the camera I would have missed out on telling my grandson about the birds and what was going on in some of the demos. All in all this is going to be a year long celebration so anywhere the Navy has the chance some of the retro birds will be there. I'll put the link to my FB album with everything I shot later.


BTW, hope your ORE went off well.

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Thanks for the link,it shows off the heritage birds better than what I could snap. FYI, if anyone cares, the HSC-84 bird is very special to me in many ways,

1 It is painted in our predecessors colors with the names of the Seawolves' KIAs.

2 The painting and re-assembly, along with sleepless nights, was overseen by a Brother Firehawk

3 This particular airframe belonged to HCS-5 at least twice in her career and I have armed her, fixed her, and flown in her during my time as a Firehawk.

Seeing Redwolf 202 on the line with Brother Seawolves, Redwovles and Firehawks last weekend with my grandson will be a high point in my life.

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