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How Clean Is Your Screen?

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Does anyone have any recommendations for cleaning monitor screens?

Having reached September 1915 I am well into Eindecker season, and a number of marks on our screen are causing me momentary alarms. Amongst them are the tiny black 'Eindecker in the distance' speck, the whitish semi-transparent 'allied flak burst marking presence of Eindeckers' smudge and, not least, the 'incredible shape changing mark' (how is that possible!?) which can take on the shape of an Eindecker viewed at various angles.

Of course they're in fixed positions on the screen but, as the view sweeps around, every now and then I lose track and have a second or two of panic - especially with the one that changes shape - I'll swear I have watched it do it!

Do people generally use a purpose made screen cleaning product to clean screens, or are there other more general cleaners that are safe to use?

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Guest British_eh

HI there,

From what I hear products like Windex are quite harmful, so, the next best thing is a mild ( 10 % max) of vinegar and water, and a nice soft cloth that you pinch from your wife supply of.



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Must admit I use purpose designed cleaners as I have found it the best to use well my new screen came with a bottle and some wipes so why not after its gone I will borrow some from work working IT should have perks... though it also depends on what sort of screen you are using it on for example an old CRT or an LCD or Plasma screen... to be honest I would recommend spending a few shekels to get the correct cleaner...

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though it also depends on what sort of screen you are using it on for example an old CRT or an LCD or Plasma screen... to be honest I would recommend spending a few shekels to get the correct cleaner...


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I always use two soft kitchen paper towels. one dry, the other damp. take the damp one and gently pull over the screen in one direction. immediately take the dry one and do the same to dry off the residue.

Lcds and plasmas are trickier, as you need to gently wipe without applying pressure to the screen in any way.

never leave a damp screen to dry in air as the minerals in water will leave marks.


use water only, as ordinary glass and pastic cleaners are corrosive and abrasive and will damage, scratch or mark the screen.



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Good tips there Gents.....I'm fast approaching the need to do so myself!...the Air is so full of Hun Fighters....that Aren't Hun fighters...that its just getting silly now!!!

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I use a damp paper towel (make it wet, then squeeze as much water as possible out), then gently rub over screen vertically and horizontally and repeat until clean and dry. Been using that method since my first venture into flat panel LCD's 11 years ago and haven't scratched one yet.

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Thanks for your advice everyone. Hoping to have cleaner skies shortly!

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Von Baur and all: don't use paper towels! Paper only SEEMS to be soft - it is in fact rather "micro-scratchy".

I had good results with a very soft piece of cloth, and luke warm water with two or three drops of dish liquid soap.

Make sure, there won't be any chance of water squeezing out of the cloth and running down the screen!


But then I have never tried the "professional stuff". Maybe I should.

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As long as the paper towel is not dry there should be no scratching problems. The more you go over the screen the drier it gets. You keep going until you just reach the point at which the towel is not dry but you're not leaving water on the screen as you wipe. It can get time-consuming if you start with the towel too wet, but it's proven safe so far.

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