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OT: Away for politics...

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So I've had very very little time for any simming the past day or so on account of fun little events happening here in Madison, where the governor has effectively declared war on organized labor and massive civil unrest is ongoing. As a result virtually all of my typically not political friends have politicized and are "Cairo-ing" up the whole place. Last night we camped the State capitol, today 20,000 protesters converged on the downtown area.


National media has slowly started picking up the story and as of about an hour ago the President himself made a little statement on our behalf. Things are happening quite quickly and my time for gaming has dropped to zero! I'm actually completely unsure how in the world I'm supposed to study for the quiz I have tomorrow and write two 1.5 page essays. Kinda banking on school shutting down to be honest, they shut down today on account of virtually all teachers going on strike.


Fun times for all! heat.gif

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I saw the news this evening Javito - it looks like a mess up there. Are you in college by any chance? I'm taking a guess based on the 1986 tacked onto your handle. At any rate, I hope things clear up soon. I had no idea this was going on until CNN picked it up tonight.

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Home now. Ahh what a long day. My girl - friend is testifying before the Senate right now, watching her on the TV.


And yea, I'm a senior in college studying Public Policy & Administration. So I suppose this is a 'practical' lesson? News just came down that 17 school districts are shutting down tomorrow in protest. Never seen anything like this!

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We may be in for big changes, world wide.

Which is probably necessary - we can't pretend any longer, that everything was alright.

The way finances and the value of our money are manipulated at the stock exchanges,

causes this desaster, that the common man has always more to pay, than he earns.

A way of "secret inflation" that is.


I hope very much, that we will find new and better ways - instead of running into greater chaos.

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We may be in for big changes, world wide.

Which is probably necessary - we can't pretend any longer, that everything was alright.

The way finances and the value of our money are manipulated at the stock exchanges,

causes this desaster, that the common man has always more to pay, than he earns.

A way of "secret inflation" that is.


I hope very much, that we will find new and better ways - instead of running into greater chaos.


Amen to that!...The World is changing...very rapidly.

People in the Middle East especially!...looks like they've had enough of despots, Junta's and Religious idiots ruining their lives!

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Yes, and if the "west" will now do the right things to help them with their democratic developments,

they may be lost for the radical muslim leaders, once and for all. Which would be a great relief!

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The times, they are a-changin. And I for one believe they are going to keep on changing, and at an exponentially increasing rate. The powers that be in this old world cannot keep pushing down on the masses the way they have been and expect it all to stay "business as usual". The tipping point may well have been reached.


Put down your books and pick up your gun, we're gonna have a whole lotta fun! And it's 1,2,3 what are we fightin for?



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Yes, and if the "west" will now do the right things to help them with their democratic developments,

they may be lost for the radical muslim leaders, once and for all. Which would be a great relief!


Trouble is, Olham, I don't feel like I'm living in a democracy here in the UK at the moment.

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That was why the people in Cairo went out on the streets and Tahrir square.

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So, the vote was scheduled for today but the ENTIRE Democrat half of the legislature plus two Republicans essentially went on strike. They've left the state entirely and are in hiding. Governor tried to mobilize the state police to find them but they refused. Since there's now no quorum present there can't be any rushed vote, which gives the opposition more time to mobilize. The Republicans only announced this last Friday really, their goal was to rush the bill through as fast as possible and make it law before anyone could do anything. That plan's pretty much bust now.


Interesting atmosphere here. Signs saying "SOLIDARITY" are springing up all over the city. It's anyone's guess what happens next really.


Edit: The AWOL WI minority leader contacted CNN, informing the national media that the Democratic senators are in hiding in different places outside of Wisconsin. In order for them to return to WI and participate in the vote he made a "list of demands" for the Governor, primarily that the provision of the budget bill that eliminates the provision eliminating collective bargaining.

Edited by Javito1986

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Good thing you don't have cossacks in Madison. Otherwise they would have been already sent to take care off the revolting peasants. :grin:


This is dangerously political, but people must fight for their rights even in the so-called democratic west. Nothing should be taken for granted. There are plenty of robber barons out there who would like nothing better than recreating a medieval caste society. Destruction of the middle class, which is currently going on all over the Western world, is the first step down that road.

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I wrote up this article about the situation in Madison about an hour ago and created a little website for it. I'd like it if you chaps gave it a read through and opinionated! Wisconsin Fights


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People Power!...damn the greedy motherf*ckers who have kept us down!

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The Governor exempted firefighters and policemen from his assault on organized labor and collective bargaining, either to create a divide among the people or pay their unions back for their support of his campaign. Therefore, firefighters and police are NOT going to be effected at all.


Yesterday and again today, off-duty firefighters and police took to the streets to show their disdain for the Governor and their solidarity with the people. Note the people shouting 'thank you'.







The police when they're on-duty are extraordinary professional, but extremely nice. Earlier today I, without really noticing, stepped into a 'restricted' area of the capitol. An officer stopped me, informed me the area was off limits, and directed me in the right direction. "Oh, my bad officer," I said, as I'd just been lost in my thoughts and was wandering without paying attention. He smiled, and in the absolute friendliest tone of voice you've ever heard responded "Not a problem! Solidarity, citizen".


Solidarity being the 'watchword' of this movement. My heart just swelled when that happened.




SEVENTY THOUSAND people descended on the capitol today. We're practically living there. It's always been public property and 'our' house but now we're taking that literally. At the capitol we've set up garbage collection, recycling, a community food bank, water supplies, lost and found, an information services station, and more. First people came from all over the city, then state, and now COUNTRY to give us supplies. Food, blankets, you name it. I have photographs of signs hanging inside the capitol saying:












Outside there are thousands chanting 24/7 "Show me what democracy looks like" "This is what democracy looks like!". Cars drive by and people use their horns to go along with the tune.

Honestly, I swear to god it is the absolute most moving and emotional spectacle I have ever witnessed.

Edited by Javito1986
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The events in Egypt and elsewhere have definitely shown the power people have when they join together for a common cause. No politician can stop the combined power of the people forever, not even a dictator. What the politicians count on is the general apathy and the lack of solidarity among the people. It's always easier to rule a divided people. That trick is one of the oldest in the book.


Looks like you guys are doing a good job in Wisconsin. :drinks:

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Good thing you don't have cossacks in Madison. Otherwise they would have been already sent to take care off the revolting peasants. :grin:

Edited by NS13Jarhead

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"Thow Caviar into the crowds, to make the rabble slip!" :worship:

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Don't forget this phrase attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette, when she heard about the starving peasants of France having no bread:


"Let them eat cake!"


Nicely describes the attitude of the robber barons, though the phrase itself is probably fictional. :grin:

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Hmm... now who is this odd person talking... grin.gif


Edited by Javito1986

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