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Possible scrapping of the Tornado as well...

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Yeah, there's an opinion (that quite a few people would share it seems) in Whitehall that the SDSR didn't go far enough. Personally, I think if you want to save money, killing capability isn't the answer. Defence contractors have been milking governments for too long and need to be brought in line, unfortunately governments need them more than the contractors need governments, and they know this. Plus it doesn't help that those in power don't know what they're doing when it comes to defence and (maybe) don't attack these problems as seriously (and hence, get taken for a ride)as they would economic or legal matters where the experts would be approached immediately.


End of rant.

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that's a damn shame.. too many cut backs

sorry for those soldiers that facing losing their jobs!



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I know that i said it several times, but the last cuts in the UK defence budget are going to completely change, in a historic way not seen in centuries, the capability of Great Britain to act in the global scenario. While for hundreds of years the UK has been a prime power, this will leave them equal, if no worse than most of the countries in their environment. Not even after the world wars has Britain suffered such a blow in their balance.


While they had ceased long ago to be a superpower, this crisis, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the cuts related to that will mean such a decrease in their capabilities, in all terms (carriers, surface combatants, fighters, logistics, and soon a decimated army) that they will play another league. While this all is being dressed as temporary, i seriously doubt that those capabilities will be recovered if not retained. It would take an investment that you cannot guarantee. Th cuts are a fact, but the plans for recovery are just plans. I think this is going to get quite bad.


On the other side, every western country has been in such kind of trouble in recent history, and made it back to a decent position. While i´m sure that the UK wil never be what it was, i´m sure that better times will come eventually

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