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Should I get BHaH now?

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1st post here.

I really want to buy this game as I've been looking for a good WW1 flight sim since my old copy of RB2 stopped working after I installed Win7.

However, I notice that Phase 4 is under development. If I buy the current Phase 3 version of the game will I have to buy the game again when Phase 4 is released or will it be a free upgrade?


Should I hold off buying the game until Phase 4 is released (whenever that is)?


Thanks for any help.

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1st post here.

I really want to buy this game as I've been looking for a good WW1 flight sim since my old copy of RB2 stopped working after I installed Win7.

However, I notice that Phase 4 is under development. If I buy the current Phase 3 version of the game will I have to buy the game again when Phase 4 is released or will it be a free upgrade?


Should I hold off buying the game until Phase 4 is released (whenever that is)?


Thanks for any help.

Welcome to OFF.

I don't think that P4 will be anytime soon. The devs keep teasing us with screen shots but I feel it's a way off yet. I believe that it will not be an upgrade but a complete install - and, yes, you will have to pay for it.

Having said all that, I should go ahead and get P3 if I were you - you won't regret it that's for sure.

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Thanx!, I just bought the MS CFS3 and will be ordering BHAH today- I love WWI combat sims, I just canceled out of that other sim for a variety of reasons and like the way OFF looks. How is the MP play? I dont have to buy any aircraft do I ?






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Welcome to OFF.

I don't think that P4 will be anytime soon. The devs keep teasing us with screen shots but I feel it's a way off yet. I believe that it will not be an upgrade but a complete install - and, yes, you will have to pay for it.

Having said all that, I should go ahead and get P3 if I were you - you won't regret it that's for sure.


Thanks for the advice, I'll get my credit card out then lol!

One more question...would you say OFF is better than Rise of Flight for immersion. RoF's graphics look better, but I never judge a game on graphics alone.

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Thanx!, I just bought the MS CFS3 and will be ordering BHAH today- I love WWI combat sims, I just canceled out of that other sim for a variety of reasons and like the way OFF looks. How is the MP play? I dont have to buy any aircraft do I ?









The only time you will by extra aircraft is if you buy the Hat In The Ring (HITR) expansion, and that adds 5 aircraft and various improvements to the original game for $19.99 + any insurance you take out for the download. I think this is an excellent price for all the aircraft that you get in the game 39 in the original + 5 in HITR.


The development team have done an excellent job of modding the CFS3 engine, to the point where it is unrecognizable, and a huge improvement graphically.


One other thing, when you install HITR you must have BHAH patched to 1.32g before installation or it will not work properly.


Also you will find the members of this forum very helpful.

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" How is the MP play?"


I don't think this got covered.


There aren't any servers kicking around a la ROF, as far as I'm aware, but if you pop over to the MP section here at CA, you'll find a few answers to your questions. I've done MP in OFF, and it's bloody good fun. All it takes is one person to host and a few more to turn up and fly! I think the maximum I've seen in one evening was just over a dozen people. I'm not sure how busy people are at the moment with MP - probably not a great deal given the time of year - but who knows: go and have a look, and you never know, you might even end up hosting!




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Hi, be both welcome to the forum.

OFF is more SP than MP. In SP you'lll have a great semi dynamic campaign. Also the immersion feeling of being in WWI is bigger than in RoF, in my humble opinion.

However in terms of MP RoF is better.

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Hi, be both welcome to the forum.

OFF is more SP than MP. In SP you'lll have a great semi dynamic campaign. Also the immersion feeling of being in WWI is bigger than in RoF, in my humble opinion.

However in terms of MP RoF is better.



Good, I was getting bored of IL-2s MP to be honest. I just want to get back to a decent SP campaign similar to the Red Baron series.

Anyway.....I've ordered it now so fingers crossed it arrives soon.



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Thanxs to all for your input and direction. I too prefer a strong SP with smart AI and prefer realistic over 'slick' anytime. ROF, considering the number of game owners had a painfully limited number of pilots in MP - on the servers - at any one time. The server owners had made some decent missions but time after time I would log in and be the only plane in the sky beside the AI and some servers didnt even have those. So as I wait for the disks to arrive I have been looking at the posts and getting set up for the install. I am looking forward to this sim- I like the canvas and varnish crates. And I realize that the answers to all questions are out there allready, its just a matter of digging. I am gratefull for all the assistance. See you over the trenches




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I flew over 4 years IL-2 1946 and have purchased a few weeks ago this beautiful combat sim OverFlandersFields.

After flying a few hours OFF my first job was uninstalling IL-2 completely.

Now I have only OFF on my PC and nothing else.

MS FS 2004 & FSX (with many payware add-ons), BoB2 Wings of Victory, IL-2 1946, ROF and other flight sims are sleeping deep in my drawer now.

I know what I am talking about :grin:

Give a try


Greetings from Norway

Feridun :salute:

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I flew over 4 years IL-2 1946 and have purchased a few weeks ago this beautiful combat sim OverFlandersFields.

After flying a few hours OFF my first job was uninstalling IL-2 completely.

Now I have only OFF on my PC and nothing else.

MS FS 2004 & FSX (with many payware add-ons), BoB2 Wings of Victory, IL-2 1946, ROF and other flight sims are sleeping deep in my drawer now.

I know what I am talking about :grin:

Give a try


Greetings from Norway

Feridun :salute:



S! Feridun; I too play only one at a time and it's good to know I made the right choice ( for me anyway). There are many types of sims and games but I really got stung by the canvas and varnish crates. I can stress a PROC fast and the time in the air just is gone--- I have to buy adult depends ( they must sell those in Europe) they call them' Le Grand' --something or other? For dedicated gamers the ' hidden charges' in some sims can be BIG euros.

Anyway thanx to all for a warm welcome. Once I learn the ropes perhaps I can host some daring souls?


St Augustine Florida Salutes you!

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"And I realize that the answers to all questions are out there already, its just a matter of digging. I am grateful for all the assistance."




Just feel free to drop in and ask any questions you see fit. The denizens of CA are a nice bunch and you won't be wanting for advice!


Whilst you're waiting for your copy of OFF, I would be tempted to ensure that your copy of CFS3 (assuming you have one) is loaded and up to date. If it's 3.0, it needs updating to 3.1, and there are sufficient instructions elsewhere on how to achieve this, should you need to.


Another thing you'd be advised to do is to look at your kit. Do you have TrackIR? If not, get it! You certainly won't regret it when you're in a plane and being chased round by enemy aircraft intent on turning you into a ground dart. Do you have a FFB joystick? If not, then consider getting one, as it's priceless in terms of warning you when stalls are imminent (and stalls you will get, I assure you, in these antiquated crates).


Finally, having read and devoured the installation procedures, and how to tune OFF/CFS3 to get the best performance, I'd recommend looking at the Survival in the Air threads. The primers on how to fly and fight in various aircraft have been written by people who've put in lots of hours in the aircraft they cover, and they enable you to get that flying start - so to speak - in the game.


Welcome to the unfriendly skies above Flanders.




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