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OT.How not to fire a Mortar!

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Some armies don't need enemies at all.... :cool:

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Haha. Was he just not holding it right?


I remember when I was 7 my father let me shoot a .357 Sig Sauer loaded with one round only. I'd been used to shooting .22s so the recoil caught me by surprise. Literally! Smacked myself in the face with the barrel, hurt like hell but a good way to learn to hold the damn things properly.

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Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall see God - or Allah.

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I've heard the insurgents make a lot of their own munitions. You should really take some time and look into the after sales service before you start buying your ordinance at a bazaar.


Know what else came into my mind? It's the old trench war story that you never take the third light of a cigarette. The first glow of the match/ciggi draws the snipers eye, the second lets him range his shot and take aim, and the poor unfortunate fellow who gets the third 'glow' is the one who gets taken out.


I admit, it does look like a weapons malfunction, but the devil in me sees two squaddies a short way off behind a pile of rubble with the right technology. -"See where those mortar rounds are coming from? Yup, gimme a second while I just find the range....WHUMP!

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Dunno if it's true or not..but they can send a package directly at you...which would make mortar use, an unenviable task if you were an insurgent

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