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Were you Wing Commander or X-Wing?

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Those of us over a certain age, will remember the great divide between the cinematic style of the Wing Commander series..and the more action orientated X-Wing, and it's two camps of followers. (had many great discussions..sometimes quite heated in the pub in my youth, about which was the better)...it was similar to the Rolling Stones versus the Beatles.


I always sided with Wing Commander (though played both to completion)...for it's more 'Playing a part in a movie' feel..and have kinda stuck to that ever since...for instance I prefer the 'Hells Highway' game to the 'Call of Duty' style.


What are your views?

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Christopher Blair rules. but mostly admiral tolwyn. was great fun to play the series. x-wing i never played so don't know.:salute:

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X-Wing, always and forever. Played that series and the spinoffs forever!

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TIE Fighter was the best one. Join the Dark Side! :starwars: (I've always wanted to use that emoticon.) :grin:

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You do know about this, right?







I've been looking forward to Saga since its announcement ten years ago. They're in final testing now finally and it honestly looks like they'll be ready to release this year.


Then there's also this one too: http://standoff.solsector.net/.


Standoff is free, already completed, with a complex branching mission tree, fully voice acted cast of characters and large epic fleet battles set during the Battle of Earth. I can vouch for it as being absolutely incredible. They've even got the original Admiral Tolwyn voice actor from 1991 to show up as Tolwyn again in a pivotal moment. Whee! Absolute 100% must play for any Wing Commander fan.


If it's not obvious Wing Commander is my favorite game of all time. I first played it on the SNES in 1996 and the games have been a part of my life in one way or another ever since.


That said I don't neglect the greatness that is X-Wing and especially TIE Fighter. My favorite of the 90s space sims though was Freespace 2, which I see as the culmination of the genre. The original FS2 was in itself amazing, but the game engine is the star of the show since it can be used to do so much... i.e. just have a look at The Babylon Project, Battlestar Galactica: Diaspora, and Wing Commander Saga.



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wow!..I never knew about standoff!...gonna get that right now!..thanks m8 :drinks:


Is it playable with W7 64?...can't see it somehow..but Thought I'd ask?

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I'm still running Vista so I'm not sure. Here's a link to their forum (http://www.crius.net...p?s=&forumid=14) where you could ask if you run into a tech problem. My intuition is that it works fine in Win7 since the forum is pretty active and I would think there'd be a Win7 sticky or more posts asking for help with it if there was a problem.

Edited by Javito1986

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If you play it do your best all the way through since outcomes and actions in earlier episodes do influence later ones a lot. Try to stay on the winning path but by all means play "the losing path" too because it's even better in some ways than the winning path, and you see a lot of things and encounter canon characters that otherwise don't show up in the winning path. Plus my favorite mission in the whole game takes place on the ep 5 losing path.


"Winning" and "losing" path is a bit of a misnomer though, since you can still lose on the winning path and win on the losing path. There's really three different outcomes to Standoff:


1) The Confederation wins the Battle of Earth decisively

2) Pyrrhic Confederation victory (this is canon)

3) Confederation loses the battle (but the war goes on)


Point is, please don't be afraid to try out the alternate episodes 3/4/5 because they are marvelous.

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X-wing, and they need to come out with a new one soon......

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If you play it do your best all the way through since outcomes and actions in earlier episodes do influence later ones a lot. Try to stay on the winning path but by all means play "the losing path" too because it's even better in some ways than the winning path, and you see a lot of things and encounter canon characters that otherwise don't show up in the winning path. Plus my favorite mission in the whole game takes place on the ep 5 losing path.


"Winning" and "losing" path is a bit of a misnomer though, since you can still lose on the winning path and win on the losing path. There's really three different outcomes to Standoff:


1) The Confederation wins the Battle of Earth decisively

2) Pyrrhic Confederation victory (this is canon)

3) Confederation loses the battle (but the war goes on)


Point is, please don't be afraid to try out the alternate episodes 3/4/5 because they are marvelous.


Thanks Javito..I've just 'stickied' your comments in my head!....off to see what happens re: W7...will let you know m8

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For sure, let me know what you think of it. I love it myself, I played the first ep when it was released in 2004 and spent the next five years eagerly awaiting each new installment. You gentlemen are lucky you get to play it all in one go.

Edited by Javito1986

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I have to agree with Hasse Wind ,Tie fighter was the best,X-wing was good ,but having secret missions given to you by the emperor pure class

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TIE Fighter is still the best all around. Freespace 2 is the best engine, and Wing Commander is my overall favorite. Hard to top Wing Commander's character development over the first four games. Very few of them survive all the way from the first game to the last but whether they live or not they're all well written and defined personalities.

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Honestly, I played both for what they were and didn't have a favorite in that respect.


I didn't play Freespace 2 (or the original Freespace) because I had grown tired of the space sim genre at the time (didn't feel there was anything new after Independence War).


Boy I missed out!!!! Freespace 2 (and subsequent mods) rock!



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i always loved the wing commander series, but i'm a big star wars fan, and i like more lightsabre stuff than spacefighting stuff.

sorry for going off topic, but this game i'm looking forward to.

timline is about 700 years before the battle of yavin and before darth bane decided there can only be two siths at one time.


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