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Loosing my "automatic sign in "

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I guess this falls under housekeeping , both yours and mine. My skills at keeping all about me on a level keel and under control ( at my age of 74 ) is lacking and is not about to improve.


Yours, on the other hand, is bright with the vigor of youth and the insight of several computer GURUS.


To the point. Often when I leave to play and do other things for some time and then return I find my self an "outcast" ( not automaticaly signed in ).

Of course I have missplaced my "magic words" so I have to go through the goatrope of getting one via the long email process. The last one I got

was longer than all of the # of total people who ever lived on earth.


How can I keep my automatic sign in after I have been away--- waiting for P4 I might add. Do you need money for this?


Still flying and having fun.


Thanks, CW3SF

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Hi CW3SF, if you mean the forum, I always seem to be logged in, usually firefox or IE (later versions) ask you if you want to remember the password and auto logon next time when you log in and then stay logged in as long as the browser is up (unless you are talking about your bank then they will kick you out after a few minutes of inactivity on their site ;)).


If you change password, Firefox would ask you to remember the new password instead, not sure with IE.


I never have a problem with it auto logging me out thought so not sure why that would be.


Might be best to post in a more general forum if no WW1 fans can help more.

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When you sign in, you should see a "Remember me" button or something like.

Press that button, and you will not have to write your password next time.


Also, you can always change your password after getting one per E-mail.

Change it to something you won't forget - like your wife's family name, or the first LP you ever bought.

That's how I manage to survive in times of the web.

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If the previous suggestions don't fix the problem, here's something else you can look at (I'm assuming you're using Internet Explorer for now).


In the top right of the browser, you'll find a little cog-wheel looking thingy that gets you into your "Tools" menu. Click it and go into "Internet Optiions". Under the "General" tab, you'll find a setting called "Browsing History". Make sure there's no checkmark in "Delete Browsing History On Exit". If that setting is enabled, it's erasing the cookies the forum requires to remember your login.





Edited by Parky

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Also, if your virus checker or anti-spyware automatically deletes cookies, I believe you can loose your permanent login as well.

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