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This weeks Ho Lee Crap moment

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A TU-154 that had been stored for 10 years loses flight controls after takeoff, the video is a bit shakey, the pilot did an amazing job of getting her back on the ground. This could have been very bad. You can see the plane oscilate quite violently, I can only imagine how the pilot managed to keep his wits about him during this.





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Jeez - great flying to get that down - not sure I would have got that down in SF2!

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Bravo to the crew. The stress on the airframe must have been off the charts. Strong Russian aircraft!



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I'd be curious as to what the exact failure was...it couldn't have just been losing flight controls. That kind of violent slewing is not a characteristic of frozen flight controls...mainly because if it was, differential thrust (especially on that configuration of aircraft) would not be enough to overcome the moment generated by the slewing controls.


If I had to take a guess, I'd say either the rudder or ailerons were going lock to lock (a problem with a damper) and the pilot was having to use the other control to dampen the oscillation as much as he could.


Nice job getting it on the ground!



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Word is, their control system went nuts and assumed that every control input (at least on ailerons and elevator) was an external influence e.g. wind and tried to correct against it. They had to adapt and land using only engines and rudder.


Started right on take off actually


Some pics http://photo.qip.ru/users/neustaf.fotoplenka/151028556/

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A miracle they got it back on the ground. I imagine they were puking up a storm the way it was rocking and rolling.

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