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Thanks to different solutions in order to modify cockpit, this is my first attempt! :heat:


Indeed I would like to offer an optional cockpit for the SF2 T-45A Goshawk from the Thirdwire SF2 F-4E 'office'...


Now, I don't know if it's possible to delete the second range of engine gauges! :dntknw:


And, I would like to know your opinion... Thank you.


Coupi. :bye:

Edited by Coupi

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I tried removing the 2nd guage set once upon a time, but found the meshes are all linked. So if you remove one set, the other vanish too


I like this pit!

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Ok Wrench,... finding meshes is difficult and take long time!!! :heat:


I've found a "cockpit out" (SFP1 F-4E) file to help me...


Coupi. :salute:

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Nice pit! :good:


If you know how to change the gauges background you can re-use the 2nd engine gauges for something else, with some cockpit file.ini editing.

A second radar altimeter, fuel tank gauges, additional magnetic compass, arrester hook, flaps or speed brake indicators, whatever you want...



Edited by Cliff11

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Thank you Cliff!


I will try tomorrow... :salute:



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all those gauges on the right, unfortunately, are mapped to the same gauge bmp.


I have to change my statement; I was able to move the gauge, but NOT the needles!! (now, if I could just remember which/what I was doing it for, and maybe find the cockpit ini....shoot..!! nuts!)


It may be possible, but it's gonna be hlla work!!



kevin stein

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Well, the options are limited...


You can keep twin gauges for the RPM - Fuel flow - Temperture giving the same indication twice, and change the Nozzle position to Fuel gauges (standing for left tank - right tank) or flaps indicator (left - right).


For the temperture maybe you can use two different inputs : "inlet temperture" or "exhaust gas temperture" in the cockpit file, something like that...

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See the post on the Draken pit. Problem removing the second set of engine instruments.:dntknw: Maybe better possibilities with the A5 pit ? Not very well known but looks very good !!! :good:





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... Thank you Derk!!! :salute:

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