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While we're at the business of demanding more from the poor devs, how about a few extra Quirk variants? The BE saw service for such a long time and went through some changes (not terribly dramatic ones though) that it would be great to see more than one model representing them.

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Lewie, what models have you "built?"


Well for starters; for Targetware and FS -WWI..








My Re8 ( which has now been dressed up even more by the tireless effort of ArgonV at Fighter Squadron WWI...), My Henry Farman HF22 floatplane and RAF FE4 bomber..


...some of my pre WWI models for my mod in FS-WWI which also have been generously helped with by ArgonV's talents with a lot of fiddly details, My Caudron 1912 Type "N" racer, Farman III Boxkite and Eastbourne Monoplane..









Listen guys and Pol in particular, I'm sorry if I coming off as a Know-it-all, I tend to be a wee bit abrasive, but I've done 3D stuff for 10 years now, and I love all things WWI. And in particular, OFF is one of the few sims I spend much of my time flying. I really would like to contribute, but I seem to have annoyed more than a few of you so I will just stop making suggestions and just enjoy being here.




Peace and stuff..

Edited by Lewie

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Must admit now that I am back flying again I love the Strutter... both as a fighter and a bomber and general nusicance causer... for me its perfect in 1916 RNAS 4... Yes it does get a bit relentless with Ennies always around as your foe but hey makes it fun as well as you get to learn the enemy as much as you get to learn your own plane...

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Must admit now that I am back flying again I love the Strutter... both as a fighter and a bomber and general nusicance causer... for me its perfect in 1916 RNAS 4... Yes it does get a bit relentless with Ennies always around as your foe but hey makes it fun as well as you get to learn the enemy as much as you get to learn your own plane...


Yes, the strutter in this sim is well done and is a challenge to fly aggresively. My favorite though, at least for now is the 'arry Tate. I'm flying mine like a low level fighter bomber. Like the Australian RE8 crews of 1918 which used their Tate's like slower SE5's with a sting in the tail. My pilot Pips Laetra with RFC13 has a couple of kills done solely with the tail gunner.

Edited by Lewie

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Listen guys and Pol in particular, I'm sorry if I coming off as a Know-it-all, I tend to be a wee bit abrasive, but I've done 3D stuff for 10 years now, and I love all things WWI. And in particular, OFF is one of the few sims I spend much of my time flying. I really would like to contribute, but I seem to have annoyed more than a few of you so I will just stop making suggestions and just enjoy being here.


Lewie, I for one hope that you do not stop making suggestions. I like what I see of your work and don't see why with a little smoothing and perhaps upping the polygon count your models might not be acceptable in OFF. I have had several conversations with Pol, particularly about the DM, and he has always been very polite and encouraging. He and Winder can be a little prickly at times regarding their "baby," especially the aircraft models and the FM, but it's sorta hard to blame them considering they were working on P1 back when everyone was saying that WWI sims were dead and no one had any interest in them anymore. I myself lost contact with the status of all things WWI for about 4 or 5 years, so it must have seemed pretty lonely for them at the time.


You might consider developing a few single-player models for QC as a sort of a trial run or apprenticeship for OFF. Although I know nothing about GMax, I would be more than happy to help you with the FM and DM if you'd like. Perhaps if we do a good enough job, the guys at OFF might give us a shot at including your work in P4 or maybe P5.

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Lewie, I for one hope that you do not stop making suggestions. I like what I see of your work and don't see why with a little smoothing and perhaps upping the polygon count your models might not be acceptable in OFF. I have had several conversations with Pol, particularly about the DM, and he has always been very polite and encouraging. He and Winder can be a little prickly at times regarding their "baby," especially the aircraft models and the FM, but it's sorta hard to blame them considering they were working on P1 back when everyone was saying that WWI sims were dead and no one had any interest in them anymore. I myself lost contact with the status of all things WWI for about 4 or 5 years, so it must have seemed pretty lonely for them at the time.


You might consider developing a few single-player models for QC as a sort of a trial run or apprenticeship for OFF. Although I know nothing about GMax, I would be more than happy to help you with the FM and DM if you'd like. Perhaps if we do a good enough job, the guys at OFF might give us a shot at including your work in P4 or maybe P5.


Well right now I'm still awaiting word back from ArgonV about the state of 4 of my in development Pioneering mod, models. He's been having a rough go.


Thanks for the offer. I'm wondering if one of my monoplanes wouldn't be a good first start, they are simple enough.


Edited by Lewie

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It's OK I appreciate your enthusiasm and knowledge but why not balance some of the critical negative with more of the good things you find too? We do have a lot more good things than bad ;). Questioning the position of the Lewis on a Bristol that DID have it there is a bit left field to point it out as some kind of flaw and doesn't really help us. As I explained we did have 3 variants done at the time, almost ready but had to go with 1 for various reasons. It balances and fits in nicely as it is. It is definitely not so easy for us to do many variants in 2 minutes.


Most things in OFF have been carefully considered and decided on with fantastic detailed research by Shredward and the guys, or sometimes for reasons to do with what the sim actually needs, playability, requirements for the sim engine etc, and other criteria. Very rarely are they done "on a whim" - although one or two in early Phase 1 were when we were just having some fun (bicycle and Ford cars for example ;)). WM is flat out on all things as usual, and us other guys are doing our best to keep up. Many of the guys have full time day jobs, families etc of course and so much to cover in WW1 simulation.


Overall we have a great balance in there, of course people can feel this needs a tweak or that, but overall things fit in well and balance - yes one or two items can be improved but that's easy to pick on items in any sim.


The DII for example I know for a fact is worse than the DIII in some aspects. When I made the flight models the DII climbed worse, was slower, and turned a little worse for example, but does have other better properties.

The DVx series was known as generally a disappointment compared to the DIII - faster yes, but heavier etc.


These days we are programmed to believe that a new version of something is a huge improvement than previous. As you know not necessarily so at the dawn of combat flight as requirements and problems change rapidly in war.


In OFF we try to make you realise how bad some things were, and what the brave fliers of the day had to cope with. A side mounted Lewis on a Bristol is good for that in my book and a great experience to realise how tough some of these pilots had it. It should not necessarily be the best version we provide - although sometimes we do. For us half the fun is sometimes trying to fly a poor craft in a war not chosing the fastest best. DH5 for example is a great experience ;)


The DII is already improved after requests from people to do so, it turns better than the original Phase 1 craft for example but as you see we go back and forth with what people want so it is what it is.


Anyway hope that helps put some comments we make in perspective. Back to work for me.


I like some of the early craft there Lewie, if you want me to look at a good one send it to me if you like.

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Guest British_eh

Hi there,


You are much too accommodating POL, but of course I will humbly be most excited to see the Dr.I sorted out as per my non-bias specs. Having seen the info that the OFF TEAM used ( ah yes, a secret source) my email to you contained 4 X the info originally used by the TEAM. OK, so it is my personal request, and I'm sure you have much IFO you, so if you have time................................


I am still having OFF and PC issues thus the GMAX build is still in progress...............





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LOL I give up no more explanations from me.

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I think it would be great if you had an extra man building the aircraft models. Lewie seems to be particularly good with the early aircraft, and since OFF doesn't have too many of those, maybe he could indeed help you with something? :drinks:


Flight model discussions are the bread and butter of sim communities. It's really hard to make FM's that are satisfying to everybody. But that's why it's so great that OFF can be modded. It's a great sim without any mods, but for me it's even better with them, thanks to the hard work of our talented modders here.

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Well Pol, I thought I wasn't being that negative, but, I am expressing some personal desires, so basically it's a bit selfish, yes, I can see that I've been a bit negative. I have nothing but major respect for what you and the rest of the crew at OBD have done, I don't think I've criticized any of you folks about OFF in general, I don't play sim vs. sim. I've seen a couple forums descend into a sim bashing feeding frensy, it's ugly and stupid, and I hope you don't think I'm doing this, because I'm not.


But, I'm one who likes to customize my sims, it's a bit of a hobby for me, especially since discovering FS-WWI and working in OpenPlaneStudio.

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No worries Lewie, I guess it's how you say it rather than what - I have said that a few times.


For example in the past some people post a new thread something like "IT SUCKS!" then the content is something daft like not reading the FAQ or can't configure a mouse 6th button. That doesn't look great in a forum and is overall misleading.

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