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Hi all.


I'm just wondering if anyone's been working on updating the Hawk SAMs mod for use in SF2? I've noticed that since the Jan '11 update they haven't been working at all and I've been trying to work on it by comparing the DATA.ini files with stock SAM inis - without any luck.

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Have you tried Volker´s (ravenclaw_007) SF2 Hawk SAM?

Are they affected also?

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all the ones included in my terrain mods work just fine! Even the Rapaiers



kevin stein

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Try these from the Anatolian Terrain (make sure to edit the userlists)

They work pretty good.



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Thanks for that guys. Got it working now. Just one curious question; how come the launchers were set as 'STATIC_AAA'?

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Thanks for that guys. Got it working now. Just one curious question; how come the launchers were set as 'STATIC_AAA'?


They require a separate radar to be located along with them, and are best deployed using the SF default, 6x1 "star of David" layout. I can attest to the fact the ones supplied by Wrench use the right frequencies, and have the correct missile performance parameters.

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...because Ed worked with me on setting them up!!! :grin:

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One more query guys; how can I reduce the rate of fire for the missiles from three at a time to, say, two or one?

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Are you using Wrench's?

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you'll find the newest ones in the Iran/Iraq terrain, in the 'put-in-ground-objects-folder' sub-folder, inside teh terrain folder. With correct frequencies, userlists and etc

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The ones I mentioned above are working fine. I've just forgotten what lines to edit in the DATA.ini files. I 've been able to edit the missile firing rate before; I just can't remember which entries to edit. The missiles are firing off three at a time and are used up far too quickly in my opinion.

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The various Hawk launchers in Wrench's Irq/Iran terrain don't salvo by both design, and by placement. The latter is just as important.

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Just tried out the Iran/Iraq terrain. I see what you mean. BTW, Niiiice work, Wrench!! :good:


So from what I can make out, this is the magic line I've been wondering about, yeah?:















MissileLaunchTime=10.0 <------------------------ ?




Actually, as regards battery placement, I've been looking a few interesting websites up as regards Hawk SAM site layouts Here's one on a few Danish sites:



It's made me think about editing the Hawk sites in the Desert3 terrain to this layout:



What do you think, lads? I'm sure there's enough 3rd party objects around to knock together something similar to the layout in the pics above

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Thanks PM!!


As to the ROR, I'd use the existing FirCan for the lod, and just edit all the inis


You don't want to put the HAWKs in berms; tried that and they tended to blow themselves up.


the layout above is nothing, easy job. The setup I use is basically a 'mobile' setup (as designed by Nick Bell, who used to run a HAWK battery), designed for quick re-deplyoments to wherever.

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Right. I've put together a HAWK battery loosely based on this web illustration below:




I've already placed them in my Desert3 terrain in place of the old 'star of David' style ones. Tested them out as I went along with some MiGs and f**king hell; they're devastating to your MiG flight if you're above 1.000ft!


Here's the layout:




I know what you mean, Kev, when you mentioned about putting the launchers in berths. I tried out the ones from Sundowner's recent Desert Objects mod, but they were blowing up as soon as they lauched (might be a collision mesh issue). So instead I've used the older one I've already had in the terrain. They don't really interfere with the missile's line of fire and can usually go for low level targets.

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yes, indeed, those puppies WILL eat your lunch, steal your milk money, and rip up you homework!!! :grin:

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Excelant work Piecemeal :drinks:if you need any help wih your work please just PM me :good:

Edited by umm

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