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How about making a sticky regarding the B-1 and B-2 so the board is not spammed at least twice a week with the same question? It's worth a shot but I guess the sticky will be as ignored as the search engine. And yes I did not have my afternoon double Scotch,single malt/neat, which is why I'm cranky.

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You old Cranky up there is right... is there a B-1B or B1-B or a B-2... sheesh some of these people... :drinks:

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are we supposed to actually land at the end of mission??? :dntknw:


FH, this one's for you, brother ---> :drinks:

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............. my afternoon double Scotch,single malt/neat, ...........



Be specific please ? I would very much like a sticky on THAT subject .......:good:





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One more thing, would it be too hard to use proper grammar, composition and if nothing else, spell check? This is a forum board where most of the senior members have an education above the sixth grade level, this is not a chat box or IM program. I am at the point that my impression of some members here, based on their posts went to school with Jethro Bodine, google it, how one expresses one's self sets the tone of any responses you will receive. It is "you" not "u" and "you're" not "ur". Speak either the Queens English or the Yank equivalent, don't make us look more backward than we are.


Time for a double Glenlivet, who's with me?

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Time for a double Glenlivet, who's with me?


NOW you're talking !!!! :good: Is an Aberfeldy also OK ?


Hou doe



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One more thing, would it be too hard to use proper grammar, composition and if nothing else, spell check? This is a forum board where most of the senior members have an education above the sixth grade level, this is not a chat box or IM program. I am at the point that my impression of some members here, based on their posts went to school with Jethro Bodine, google it, how one expresses one's self sets the tone of any responses you will receive. It is "you" not "u" and "you're" not "ur". Speak either the Queens English or the Yank equivalent, don't make us look more backward than we are.


Time for a double Glenlivet, who's with me?

I agree about writting like this is a sms or a chatbox. But mind you that, for some people, english is not their mother lenguage (like me, for instance) so spelling and grammar errors are to be expected.

Edited by Jaman
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I agree about writting like this is a sms or a chatbox. But mind you that, for some people, english is not their mother lenguage (like me, for instance) so spelling and grammar errors are to be expected.


I'm am not directing my comments to anyone whose language of origin in not English, it is not an easy one to master considering how many words are "loan" words from other tongues. Who my remarks are aimed at are the English speakers who by their posting are proud of their illiteracy, they display it well, it is obvious by the construction of a sentence whether the poster is accustomed to writing in English, the line from Firefox comes to mind "think Russian", an English writer will use certain words and phrases that are unique to the location and dialect. I mean no offense to those who do not speak English as their primary means of communication, I am more upset with the kids who go to school and know better.


And thank you to whoever gave me my very first negative rating on a post. You must have been one of the ones I targeted.:qt:


BTW, the Mods can lock this I have had my say, my fun and I did get my apologies to those that deserved it. Everyone else, don't you have home work to do?

Edited by firehawkordy
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I mean no offense to those who do not speak English as their primary means of communication, I am more upset with the kids who go to school and know better.

Oh, I didn´t feel offended at all. And, for the record, I feel the same about spaniards who can barely write down their own names correctly (the so called "Hoygan").

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I can certainly understand your frustration.


At one point, it had gotten so bad we had contemplated the idea that before someone could post for the first time, they had to answer a computer generated quiz that required them to use the search function and the knowledge base...a sort of 'primer' on how to help themselves.


But that idea was dropped...one of the reasons being that the search function still has issues with alpha-numeric combinations (like aircraft designations) and inconsistent results with different users.


And I agree, you can very plainly tell the difference between a person for which English is not their primary language, and a person who deliberately butchers the language because they're too lazy to form a cogent sentence. I'm not talking the occasional spelling or grammar gaff either, but things like 'chat' talk...or gawd forbid, 'l33t' speak.



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I wouldn't worry about the twit that gigged you.

That's CombatAce's very own troll, rhuzyo. He keeps coming back, we keep banning him. It's sort of a game, since we don't really have a way to block the whole state of Nebraska; and he keeps spooffing using various and sundry proxy server thingys.

One day he might actually grow up, move out of his mothers storm cellar, and become an actual, functioning human being. Or, they'll just up the meds

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I'm not bothered, just surprised that it's taken almost 8 years to get a negative rating, I think it's a twisted badge of honor in a way. Now that I've said that, anymore of these and I'll release the Ordnance Mafia on the the little SOB.

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