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shrapnel, anyone?

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I guess we've all heard the stories about the dead soldier that nobody can find a scratch on him, until later when they spot a tiny entry wound from a sliver of a bomb casing in him. Well, I came about as close as you could come to that in civilian life yesterday whilst pounding away at a cold chisel. A tiny piece about this big-----> = ,,,yeah, that big came off and nailed me in the forearm and apparently got one of those big viens and I began leaking vital fluids at an alarming rate. My friend started flippin out walking in circles and lookin lost so I told him to find me a piece of rope so as to tie it off. I was actually getting light headed and feeling a bit of a chill by the time he found some and we was of to the E.R.

Four hours later, they docs in their infinite wisdom decided to leave the chunk of metal in me, so, if anyone here has had shrapnel wounds that they left it in you, did it work itself out or is it still there, what am I lookin at in the future?

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from what i understand it will likely be there a long time. look at 80 yo guys who set off metal detectors with shrapnel in them. and the John Connelly (Gov of Texas when Kennedy was killed) only had the bullets lodged in him in 1963 come out after his death a few years ago. Good to hear your still alive after such an accident. However no lottery tickets for you, you've used up your luck bud!:grin:



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My grandfather was a mechanic from the late 20's till his retirement in 1965. He was always pulling bits of metal out of his fingers up to his forearms, seems that shavings from lathes and grinders as well as the chisel pieces embedded themselves rather deep over the years. most of the were encapsulated in scar tissue and the small ones would work their way to the surface from time to time. Never seemed to bother him much. He lived till he was 82 and always joked about the things that he would pull out of his arms.

Edited by firehawkordy

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Glad you're ok bro. Guess you can literally be called ONE"TIN"SOILDIER now, with a big emphasis on the tin part. :cool:

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Glad your okay bud... as to the slivers of metal in you sometimes they come out sometimes they don't... have/had 3 in me I am down to 2 now... still sets the alarms off at the airport...

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Welcome to the club, I've got a small piece of a shattered drill bit imbeded about 2mm behind the auditory canal of my left ear. Ok not quite as serious or exiting but its been there 5 years so far :P



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Battle scar...something to tell the grandkids!...glad it worked out ok m8...sounds nasty, and scary!

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