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I don't know what happened, what I did wrong before, and I used to Whine about this. I've been experimenting again with SF 2008, thinking I'm going to make "fake" RH missiles with impossible launch parameters so the AI BVR engagement mode can apply to IRM only or gun only attacks in a sort of hacked manner, getting inside visual range when (or before) the "fake" missile is expended. I had gathered from my first looks at SF 2008 that the new BVR engagement only worked when the plane was armed with RHM. I gathered wrong.


Tonight I'm finding the 2008's AI BVR engagement does work for IRM and guns only. I don't know why my first look at SF 2008 gave me a different impression. One of the major pains for me about upgrading beyond SF-2006 was a nothing burger...I think. Still a few experiments to go.


I did this with F-4J vs Tu-22 (visible range 20km) head on, varying the loadout to include or disclude AIM-7, radar search range set to 100km and the aircraft starting head on 200km apart. With Sparrows, the Phantom engages within 100km in RHM-Attack mode. With only Sidewinders, it engages in LEAD-PURSUIT at the same very long range. :good: With the gunpod only; same thing -- a gun engagement starting at near 100km distance. Dumping the pod but keeping the snakes; same thing. This is what I needed to know.


This is needed for, say, a gun only F3D engaging a MiG-15 from BVR when visual range is reduced to a few hundred meters or so -- at night. MiG-15s should fly slow when attempting to visually *see* B-29s at night...assuming hypothetical searchlights pump the B-29 visual range so the MiGs can see it, and so F3Ds that can see in the dark like bats for long ranges have the advantage since the MiGs are slowed down by their mission requirement. That's one small example some of you may have read about.


I assume this change that came in SF1 2008 carried over to SF2, and perhaps got even better in some way. So there, ya'll may have finally convinced me to go dash2. :good:

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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go for it Lexx! It's worth every single penny these days (whole package with Expanion Packs) :good:

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go for it Lexx! It's worth every single penny these days (whole package with Expanion Packs)

You are so right Stary! :good:

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We were getting tired of telling you for the last three years or so, that you were mistaken (regarding non-RHM BVR). Also, series one is dead as far as the developer's concerned, SF2 is the way to go.


It's gratifying to see that you've finally decided to join the dark side...and get SF2 :grin:

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LOL! This cracked me up :grin:


It's never too late Lexx..

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