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Wings over Africa Conversion

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Anyone got anywhere with the conversion of Wings over Africa into SF2. I got the cockpit gunsights working by adding the DX10 shaders. However i'm struggling with the weapons and gunS, I tried re-writing them into folders using foxe xml editor and saving in the correct ansi code but cant get SF2 to see them. Also even though I downloaded the converted files from Capuns site the dds damage files arn't working. Anyone else working on any of these, as i'd like to help if I can?


I have also noticed that the ground object shadows are causing a massive fps hit. I can run them unlimited in all other titles.


Massive credit to all who put this together though, some excellent models and the Africe terrain is awesome. Top job!

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I downloaded the modified datas from Capuns, but haven't yet tried them. As for guns and weapons you should open it and resave in newest weapons and guns editors from TW..?

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I did try opening the weapondata and gundata ini's with TK's editors but my version doesn't see them for some reason. Are they referring to the SF1 editors, the previous SF2 editors or the most recent May 2011 editors.


Thanks in advance.



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as for guns, just use the gun package that comes in Gunny's Pak. They're all there. Unless they used the AvHIstroy guns, and even then it's a simple conversion using TKs gun editor.


Weapons conversion is bitch... you'll need to move each called for lod to their respective folders, open each lod with a hex editor to find the skin names (the **.bmp)


the major PIA is decals conversion .... the simplest, easiets (and it DO entail a s**t-load of work), is copy ALL the aircraft folder -in their entirety!!!!- into the /Decals folder. Then, open each aircraft folder and delete everything in the folder EXCEPT the skin folder. Then, open the skin folder and delete everything EXCEPT the /D subfolder.


this keeps the pathways intact in the decals ini.


should take a couple hours, depending on how many aircraft you have. (and number of WW2 installs, and it'll need to be done for ALL of them)


Terrain conversion to SF2 takes less than 30 seconds. See the KB for my tutorial



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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I've cracked the weapons and gun folders now. Still trying to get the dds files to work, not all of them arn't working its mainly the larger German bombers. The dds files are there and the aircrafts .ini file seems to be correct. I'm wondering whether its something to do the lods, i'm out of my depth looking at those though.

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I think i've worked out the problem with the dds files. I followed Brain32 instruction in the KB for converting targa's into dds. It seems something went wrong with the origional converion and the dds files lost their transparancy. I converted the origional targa's as an example for the Heinkel 111 H3 following Brain32's instructions and hey presto the Heinkels showed damaged while keeping the camo skin. Great guide Brain, top man.


I'm gonna reconvert the ones i've got, if anyone wants them, Capun, Stary etc etc just ask. They should be finished by tomorrow maybe Monday.

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strange as I have damage files showing without conversion :dntknw:


on the other hand I messed up my WW2 install weapons and guns, completely

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ok for the guns, got them fixed -the weaponsdata.ini and .dat must go to Objects/GUNS folder, not in just /Objects


weapons work (given I can see the Heinkels leveling my airfield) but for now without the lods which must be moved to their respective folders. Ugh!


update: as mentioned by OurPropsGuru Wrench, many weapons are included in MCGunnysKillerbees weapons pack, now it sort of works ok


the only thing off is -bombers don't shoot back at me..?

Edited by Stary

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Stary, I've already got the guns folder sorted in SF2 style and i've done the weapons folder with the bmp's and lod's in folders SF2 style. I can compress them and email them over to you if you want.


When I was talking about the damage texture's I was referring to the SF2 format aircraft files available at Capuns site that are in dds format. Not all aircraft were effected but some for example the Heinkel 111 H3 when hit would just go black or beige instead of showing damage over the skin. When I looked into it the dds file had lost its transparancy.


I also still have the origional aircraft files for SF1, so I followed Brain32's instructions and converted the origionall tga into dds and they worked. Only done it for the Heinkel 111 H3 and the Aircobra but they are working for me now.

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damage decals shows for me without problems on 111H3 or others, out of the SF1-version zip :blink:

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It'll be showing the tga's I bet, what does it say in your aircraft .ini's Stary? I'm sure that tga's still work in SF2.

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they do work, it's just dds take less memory with slightly reduced quality IIRC


here's Capun's A-36.ini:



AircraftFullName=A-36A Apache























Name=Olive drab 1942 scheme









Name=Olive drab 1943 scheme







and si I have no problems so far. Seen shredded wings and fuselage of one SM.79 today

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here's beaten up A-36 ingame, May11:



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I'm doing a conversion for SF2 May2011.

I'm running XP SP3 on older machine.

The only real problem I'm having is I can't get the game engine to put enemy aircraft in single mission sweep or combat air patrol.

If I fly enemy aircraft(Luftwaffe,Vichy France or WW2 Italy) I get all kinds of US,RAF,USN and Royal Navy aircraft against me.

I prefer the random generated missions instead of making them myself.

Any ideas?

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you do use included nations.ini?

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I used included nations.ini.

It comes up with aircraft on runway and says Mission complete RTB. or if you fly CAP you fly whole mission with no enemy bouncing you.

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hmmm, I had similar issue, adding weapons (from Gunnys' pack) helped

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I'm doing a conversion for SF2 May2011.

I'm running XP SP3 on older machine.

The only real problem I'm having is I can't get the game engine to put enemy aircraft in single mission sweep or combat air patrol.

If I fly enemy aircraft(Luftwaffe,Vichy France or WW2 Italy) I get all kinds of US,RAF,USN and Royal Navy aircraft against me.

I prefer the random generated missions instead of making them myself.

Any ideas?


I think all aircraft and ground objects need a Userlist.ini to show up correctly, don't they?




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I've found some little fixes to all the above issues in SF2 i'll hopefully be posting them over at A-teams forum today.

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I had to edit the Nations.ini and the Morocco_nations,NAfrica_nations and Tunisia_nations ini's,but I got it working.

Thanks for all your help. :good:


If you have access to Capun's site,they are also editing files and folders for 2nd Gen Series.

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I´m also trying to convert WoA to SF2, but still not seeing the gunsights. How you guys corrected this? I only have gunsights when a change the cockpit for one that was moded for another plane, but can´t do this to all planes.

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1) check cockpit folder for *nameofgunsight*.tga

2) check cockpit ini for proper listing of *nameofgunsight*.tga


do that for EVERY aircraft


don't forget, SF2 reads cockpit locationg completly different, and you'll probably be editing the CockpitPositon= line on just about every single aircraft.


oh, and posting a screenie of cockpit might help, too.

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Yes, i cheked the cockpit folders and the cockpit.ini and all is OK. And I fixed the cockpits position editing the cockpit.ini.

I finally concluded that the problem was in the my installation of the WOA, because any aircraft worked fine when transfered to another SF2 installation. So I pulled out the Aircraftobject.ini that was in the object folder and finally it worked.I believe that now is being used the original ini, but I don't know if I should keep it out or modify this ini file, and in fact I don't know if SF2 uses this ini. Maybe is some problem with the shaders in this WoA ini.

About the guns, i used the AvHistory guns and it worked for some planes but not to others. Do you know what other good gun pack I can use for WoA in SF2 without having to modify all the guns that do not work? Is because I would like to keep the characteristics of each plane's guns.


Thanks for your attention.

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Hi mates, i made one conversion for SF2 for the WoR but CTD when i want to play one campaign, i converted the russia terrain, the guns, the pilots, the planes and the decals, anyone has the same problem, i play it in SF2E jul12 patch, , thanks for all

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