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Update for the MiG-17 series 3D model.

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Hi all,


This has been a little thorn in my side with the game since I bought it. I love this series no matter what patch level it's running on, but have had one small complaint for a while now. With the Israel patch that came out, we got a BEAUTIFUL MiG-15. Being a red aircraft buff, I loved that we had a nice MiG to fight in Korea and such. When I got to Vietnam and Europe in the later years, that old MiG-17 shows its low poly face to my guns. :rofl: I think it would really be nice if someone would be willing to give the ol' MiG-17s a facelift, because it is used in practically ever map/campaign. Now I'm not sure what CA's policy is about modifying stock aircraft and objects (with IL-2, you need a lawyer if your going to do that :blink:), but I think it is something that is needed. The MiG-21/19/ and 23 have decent 3D models, but as I understand, the MiG-17 hasn't seen a 3D facelift since SFP1. Only thing is, I'm guessing that a 3D upgrade would negate the existing skins so they wouldn't work. :idea:


Here are the updates I suggest:


These are one the MiG-17F and "A". On the PF, and PFU, the radome nose section would probably need some work too. I would love to be able to do this my self, but lack the money for 3DS max, and the skill.


Thanks for looking!







Edited by liamp51
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modyfying the stock models is matter of eventual lawsuit and ban from all TW-related forums I guess...


side note: not true about Il2 modding community at all -they're ripping stock models apart without hesitation, tweak, modify and reupload

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Heads-up on the legal BS; The lawsuit would be a very difficult proposition-given TW's implied consent by advertising the series as an open architecture simulator, even going to the extent of providing tools to modify(editors etc) it-and the undeniable fact that the series has been modified for almost a decade now. Also given the international scenario, TW would have to seek injunctions at a local level- enforcing foreign decrees are a veritable nightmare especially in third world countries.

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modding and deliberately converting stock models to editable format are two very different things Stick

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well, what with the fact that TKs locked the lods away as of the 5/11 update,

and given the fact ALL the Migs/Su/IL/Tu etc are designed for AI use only (WE made the flyable --nobody else-- and they weren't meant to be)


They were meant to be targets, just as plane and simple as that.


The only one that can fix TKs Migs is TK hisself. What with all the other things on his plate, I wouldn't be holding my breath.


Again, someone can always take on the task of modeling completly NEW aircraft .... not that that's likely to happen. As mentioned above, all the existing skins go right in circular file.


Enjoy them for what they are.


OTH, a LOT of detail can be added to existing skins, as the mapping IS pretty well known, either by directly painting or via decals. You'll find the interior of the speed brakes on the _BODY.bmp. Time to break out you image manulipator program and give it wack!!



kevin stein

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It's not THAT complicated, it needs a new 3D model.

Like MiG-21F from Mirage Factory that's like 10 times better than any stock mig and still one of the nicest models for the game...

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also, if the 3D guy is smart, he can map the model to use the existing skins

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also, if the 3D guy is smart, he can map the model to use the existing skins


The default mapping for the TW 17s is just "OK". Please refer to Wrench's reply regarding AI-only birds for clarification. I agree with his explanations that the AI-birds were meant only to serve as targets, and are therefore expected to die in a grotesque, military manner. :grin:


If I were penning up a new 3D model for the '17, I would certainly not utilize TW's existing mapping scheme. Funny that the same cannot be said for TW's MIG-21P & MF series, which sport fairly decent 3D models and mapping.

Edited by Fubar512

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modding and deliberately converting stock models to editable format are two very different things Stick

Ultimately its a matter of ethics-I would take permission. But my point is to go after the people who dont,is a rather uphill proposition. Litigation is terrible for business. The only time to litigate is when you have the promise of a big win. My idea is to never discourage a man from doing what he must. Everyone prevails at some point of life.

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