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The Science of the Hangover...

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Well, alcohol is poison. I stop at one 16oz beer, or "american water" as the Euros call it. :grin: I love the taste, but hate that poison feeling.


And its a weapon successfully used against American Indians, kinda like Opium used by the hehe "drugacracies" against the Chinese.

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I think alcohol tastes horrible, I can't understand how anyone can bear to drink it. I get the appeal of some of the effects, but I'm not going to drink horse urine or eat dog crap to get those feelings either.

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Makes me wonder if the ends justify the means. Mind you; I often wonder that on the morning after.

On the other hand; if you take the right anti-hangover precautions before bedtime, it can help lessen the hangover itself. In my case - a dose of alka seltzer before bed and another first thing when I wake up. Another precaution in my case is to avoid drinking spirits of any kind - period.

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I think Alcohol is vitally important!


After seven pints of Old Speckled Hen...I finally know the answer to Life, the Universe..and everything!


Problem is...In the morning...I can never remember what the question was!

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Always had a natural imunity myself.... must be something to do with being Scottish and having very little blood in my alcohol stream.



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Always had a natural imunity myself.... must be something to do with being Scottish and having very little blood in my alcohol stream.




Well I think being a Glaswegian should speak for itself on that matter :grin:

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