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To Partition or Not to Partition?

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Well, if I am ever going to run OFF again, I am going to have to fit a new hard drive. I am thinking of getting a 1TB drive seeing that our 500GB one was already half full when it died.

I have been reading up about partitioning discs. The general consensus seems to be have one partition for the operating system and programmes - which will need defragmenting periodically, and one for data that probably won't - or not much.

There seems to be quite a variance in the suggested size of the partitions, however.

I thought I would ask, how, if at all, other OFF players partition their discs, and what sizes do you use?





Edited by Wayfarer

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I dual boot with XP and Win 7. I have 2 hard drives. One is 320GB and that is partitioned 100GB for Win7 + programmes (and it will soon need expanding, I think) and the rest will be used to mess around with Ubuntu. The second hard drive is 1 TB and is partitioned 85GB for XP + programmes and the rest is used for storing data and this partition is regularly backed up to an external hard drive. I also reguarly make an ISO image of my Win 7 installation.


I primarily use Win 7 so I'm saving data to a seperate hard disk - a seperate partition would work just the same.

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I have a 1TB drive m8...And have it partitioned as 250GB for Windows and stuff...and the rest for Data.

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I personaly dont bother with partitions.. with how cheap mechanical hard drives are now, I buy two.


One standard size for windows and aplication software the other large size for games.


I would love to get a SSD drive when they come down a bit more..

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I personaly dont bother with partitions.. with how cheap mechanical hard drives are now, I buy two.


One standard size for windows and aplication software the other large size for games.


I would love to get a SSD drive when they come down a bit more..


Don't forgetthough, Pappy, that one mans cheap is another mans dear.

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Thanks for your replies. I had thought about two drives, but it is possibly the worst time of the year money wise so I think we are going to have to go with one (plus it's probably all my vestigal computer knowledge can cope with). I think if I get the 1TB drive I would probably go with something like 250GB for the OS and programmes partition as I am sure between the 5 of us we could make respectable stab at trying to fill it up!

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I'm far from being a computer expert, but wouldn't it always be better to get you two hard disks?

I have a smaller one, which is still partitioned into the Windows-part, and a games-part.

The other harddisk is where I store my works; as well as my ACRONIS BackUps of my

system. These can be written back to the C:partition, once there is a problem occuring.

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It doesnt really matter to be honest whether you have one drive partitioned, or two drives.


The important thing to remember, is they're gonna f*ck up someday!...So back up what you don't want to lose!

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It doesnt really matter to be honest whether you have one drive partitioned, or two drives.


The important thing to remember, is they're gonna f*ck up someday!...So back up what you don't want to lose!


So true! I had never experienced a hard drive failure until last year, and I was sure it was never going to happen to me. Now I'm even more careful about backups.

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It doesnt really matter to be honest whether you have one drive partitioned, or two drives.


The important thing to remember, is they're gonna f*ck up someday!...So back up what you don't want to lose!


Absolutely! Unfortunately the last time I backed up turns out to have been August 2010. I suppose I did have some preoccupations, with my Dad dying shortly after and such, but I am definitely going to put some reminder system in place if we manage to get things working again. I really should have thought of it at least once since then!

Fortunately, I constantly annoy the hell out of everyone to back up their work in at least two other places, and no one seems to have lost any course work. We also think all photos are copied to at least one other location.

I even think that I backed up everything I had for IL2 and CFS3, because I haven't touched them since I got OFF. Of course, my OFF information folder, with all my templates for key commands, joystick buttons, info compiled from forum posts, aircraft background material, etc. doesn't seem to have got backed up - even though some of it ought to have.

So, yes, it really is the vital thing to remember.

Edited by Wayfarer

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This is a bit of kit I wouldn't be without and it includes lots of Hard Disk/Partition management tools.


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This is a bit of kit I wouldn't be without and it includes lots of Hard Disk/Partition management tools.




There are some really good, free backup utilities available too...this is the one I use




Thanks. I'll certainly look into these further if we can get her up and running again.

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