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A Request Please (VicRomano 'aka' FastCargo)

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Hello Vic


Is there any chance that you would be kind enough to release the .PSD Template for the F-15? I would like to re-work my F-15J to a higher standard. Your F-15 Pack was excellent.


So far I have use one of your F-15 skin and modified the .bmp for my use. The decals I have use for the test is good but the skin is not clear enough (detail is blur).


Your consideration is appreciated.


Thank you.





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would be great , frankly many times i needed them and tried to modify the .bmp files but no luck.

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Let me search the archives...I don't remember off the top of my head who did the PSDs...I just hacked at them.



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Thank you for your prompt reply. I hope you can find the 'good stuff' drinks.gif



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Gimme some time and I'll upload what I've got on my HD.

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Great guys thanks a lot

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Didn´t Sundowner made the F-15J Skins?

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Thanks EricJ... the more the better :drinks:

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Thank you EricJ :clapping::good::drinks:


Can't wait to get home and try the templates out!!!!



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a hundred thanks EricJ clapping.gif

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hey ace, how about this skin? grin.gif



me like yikes.gif


i hope someone do this skin its a BOMB heat.gif

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